Chapter 6 Part 1

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.Heavy NSFW Warning

Amazement, surprise, awestruck, dumbfoundment, startlement (and perhaps even arousal)--Dark Cacao didn't know which word to use, he didn't even believe his ears.
Pure Vanilla… Pure Vanilla, asking to have coitus with him??

Dark Cacao's face said it all, an expression of shock, to say the least.
He was beginning to slightly dissociate after hearing his words--which Vanilla caught onto way too quickly.

"Wait- wait wait!! I'm sorry-I'm sorry! That was so inappropriate for me to ask!-" Pure Vanilla said, realising and processing what he just requested of Dark Cacao.
His frantic apologising continued whilst he covered his face in shame.
The constant apologising snapped Cacao out of his thoughts as he put both hands onto Vanillas wrists gently and pulled them away from his face, showing that he was okay and that there was nothing to be so apologetic about.

"Vanilla… don't apologize, the question was sudden of course-- it startled me indeed however there is nothing wrong with asking that… it's.. it's okay." Cacao attempted reassuring Pure Vanilla, his tone of voice was soft and comforting in a way-- it made him calm down quite easily.
With hesitancy, Vanilla asked.
"Are you sure..?" He said, lowering his arms and holding onto Dark Cacao's hands gently, his face was a mix of embarrassment and worry. He never did this before nor did he have much experience in the overall topic of sex, so he assumed he didn't ask in the best way.

Dark Cacao leaned forward whilst holding Vanillas cheek softly as he kissed his forehead, showing he was fine as he looked back down at him and held his face, rubbing his cheek with his thumb.
Majority of Pure Vanillas' worries eased as he sighed with a small smile, other thoughts still raced through his mind.

How would they do it?
Who would be receiving?
Who would be giving?
What if he's loud and their friends hear?
What if he can't please Cacao well enough?
What if he acts like a horny fool in front of his own Husband?

He had many rather (in his opinion) dirty questions racing through his mind that would be way too uncouth to even ask his lover, he didn't even know if he used those terms correctly.
Dark Cacao easily caught onto Pure Vanillas' worrisome look.
"..Is everything okay?"

Vanilla looked up at Cacao, his face still that of worry with his heart racing in his chest.

"To be honest. I'm not very sure how to do this-- I'm not very experienced nor have I indulged myself willingly in this activity... often... to say the least." He explained, trying to find the best wording for his situation.
Dark Cacaos eyes widened for a split second, he didn't expect Vanilla to admit being inexperienced and celibate. However they both had drunk more than a healthy intake earlier, perhaps that is what started both of their sex drives?

Taking his wording into account, Dark Cacao asked him a question. "To keep things simple," He mumbled--smoothing his hand onto Pure Vanilla's thigh whilst he looked back up at him, "..would you like me to take the reins tonight perhaps?"
It caught the other man off guard--but that didn't mean he didn't like being touched in such a manner, the sensation of his lover's rough and rather large hand rubbing his thigh went straight to his crotch, making his already semi-hard dick, harder.

"Yes... please." Vanilla eventually answered in a quiet whisper, shuddering slightly, he then looked down at his hand before glancing away again–he felt so embarrassed that he could experience arousal through such simple touch.
He just hoped that Dark Cacao couldn't see his erection through his Vanillian Robes rather skin-tight underlayers.

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