Chapter 3

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A couple hours later in the Vanilla Kingdom...

The bright and warm sun shone upon the fragrant and lively Vanilla Kingdom, many citizens were already out and about, in the markets, in the streets, and also in the city's main square--it was midday after all.

Pure Vanilla was in his chambers, he had finally finished packing for his stay at the Dark Cacao kingdom while also finishing up filling out some notes and information about the kingdom for Premier Custard Cream. (He would be the one to take care of the kingdom while he was gone for the Royal Meeting)

Pure Vanilla managed to stay collected yet still couldn't contain his excitement about him finally being able to meet up with his friends and most importantly Dark Cacao, it had been a couple of months since they could all finally meet and he couldn't wait.

He sat calmly on the end of his bed, exhaling slowly and taking off his hat and gently placing it aside.
He looked over at the few boxes of luggage full of his clothes and other items that he would bring to the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
He only packed what he needed so there wasn't much in them except for his Royal Vanillian Robes and a few other things.

Pure Vanilla soon found himself daydreaming, a slight yet warm smile plastered on his face while his cheeks lit up with a small hue of red. All that was on his mind was Dark Cacao--and his friends of course. Pure Vanilla knew he was no overly romantic or clingy man by any means, but it had just been so long since him and Dark Cacao had had quality time with one another, Pure Vanilla couldn't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside at the thought, the speed of his heart beat proving it further.

He then remembered something, gently getting up from his bed and gazing at his desk with half lidded eyes, Pure Vanilla roamed over to his desk in the corner of his room as he then put his hand on the underside of it, kneeling slightly so he could reach underneath it.
A key was cleverly placed out of sight and he grabbed it carefully--using it to open a locked drawer within the desk. Sliding in the key and turning it revealed a few small sentimental items, trinkets and such as examples, however, it included a small wooden box too.

Opening it carefully, in it lay a pale gold necklace on a thin yet soft marshmallowly pillow. It was a gift from Dark Cacao, and oh how he loved wearing it, even if it had to be in private.
However, at the end was also his wedding ring which he kept attached to it safely, it matched the necklace, it was a rather pastelly, pale gold colour, lined with gorgeous white and blue diamonds with small even spaces between each of them, including a slightly bigger one on one side of it.

Pure vanilla picked it up gently, placing the ring on his finger as he did so, wrapping the necklace around his hand so it was secure. He stared at it in awe, watching the light bounce off it from the sun still slightly peering into his room.

The moment of bliss was however short lived, quiet and soft knocking at his door soon snapped Pure Vanilla out of his thoughts, for Premier Custard Cream was standing outside patiently.

"Oh- Coming!" He called out, rushing to put everything back safely--placing the necklace and along with it, his ring, in his robes pockets. Pure Vanilla then finally put everything back in its place, including the key as he then walked over to the door, opening it for Premier Custard Cream to walk in.

"I'm so sorry for the wait, there was some traffic in the main square, and I couldn't find a sitter for Custard ll. " Custard Cream Cookie tried to explain in a stressed yet whispering tone, his newborn son in his arms peacefully sleeping, wrapped up snugly and warmly in waffle cone blankets.

Pure Vanilla obviously took note of this, a small yet humble smile grew on his face as he gently grabbed Custard ll from Custard Cream and placed him in his arms, rocking him slowly.
"If there was trouble you could have just told me, I understand your situation.. especially since you're a new father. Just take a deep breath, I'll hold him for a while." Pure Vanilla said soothingly and quietly, holding the newborn's cheek and rubbing it softly, soon then gesturing to his desk for the notes about the kingdom for Custard Cream.

He quickly understood, walking over calmly and picking up the papers, reviewing each one of them.

Premier Custard Cream Cookie's trust in Pure Vanilla was immense, and so was Pure Vanillas trust in Custard Creams, so Custard Cream had no worries about him tending to his son while he read the papers.

After a while, when Custard Cream finished reading them he gently folded the papers and put them in his robes pockets, looking over at Pure Vanilla, seeing how gentle he was with his newborn son.
"Wow, you sure have a way with kids don't you? I can barely get him to stay asleep.. " Premier Custard Cream whispered, sitting beside Pure Vanilla.

"You think so?" He asked quietly, handing over Custard ll back to Custard Cream, "Well look at you, I know so!" Custard Cream chuckled softly, standing up and heading towards the door with Pure Vanilla walking beside him, opening the door for Custard Cream as well.
"Well it's pretty good that you are at least, you'll need to produce an heir soon anyway. Now, I must be going, have a safe trip!" Custard Cream said, walking out of Pure Vanillas chambers and heading down the corridor, soon out of sight.

Custard Cream's words caught Pure Vanilla off guard completely, leaving him stunned almost.

I'll need to produce an heir soon??, He thought, a confused and slightly saddened expression plastered on his face, "I wonder what he meant by that?" Pure Vanilla whispered, he never thought about needing to have an heir for his kingdom any time soon, so why did Custard Cream feel the need to comment on it?

However, once again, his thoughts were interrupted by knocking at his door. Pure Vanilla brushed off his previous considerations and headed towards the source of the knocking whilst opening his door.

One of his guards and two servants were standing in front of the door, bowing their heads and soon looking back up at Pure Vanilla.
"Your Majesty. We are here to collect your luggage and escort you to your carriage." They said strictly.

"Oh, yes.. thank you." Pure Vanilla said softly, moving out of the way and back into his room to collect his hat, which he promptly put on and adjusted while the butlers collected his luggage.
He also got his staff, it's eye was closed and it leaned against the wall beside his desk. Pure Vanilla then closed his eyes, letting his staff open their own.

He was then escorted down the corridors and outside the palace gates by the guard, using his staff's eye to help him see in the process.
He was then led to a Vanilla carriage which was then opened for him as he climbed inside, placing his staff comfortably across his lap.

Pure Vanilla Cookie then opened his eyes once again, staring out the window while he was escorted out of the Vanilla Kingdom.
He still wondered what Custard Cream Cookie meant when he said that he needed to produce an heir soon.

However he soon brushed off the thought, focusing on the present was more important to him, as well as Dark Cacao, Pure Vanilla thought, leaning against the window as he stared out of it, gazing at the landscape.

Suddenly, he then remembered the ring and necklace in his pocket. Sitting up straight, he smoothly slid his hand into his pocket, grabbing the necklace with the ring attached, smiling softly at the two pieces of jewelry. Pure Vanilla then detached the ring from the necklace as he placed it on his ring finger, whilst putting the necklace on himself. It was a bold decision, but he didn't mind.

Pure Vanilla then leaned back on the seat, half lidding his eyes while calmly thinking about Dark Cacao and his friends, although he felt exhausted at this point from all the previous work he did earlier in the morning, he still continued to think about his friends.

Not so long after his tiredness soon caught up to him, he was yawning and his eyes felt heavy, Pure Vanilla then shut them after a bit, eventually falling into a light slumber.

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