Chapter 1 - Prologue

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Pure Vanilla, a highly respected and well known yet wise king, there are not many people on Earthbread who could inspire hope as Pure Vanilla did. Born from nature-blessed cream and a fragrant vanilla bean, he was the epitome of kindness and faithfulness and founder of the Vanilla kingdom, a land of freedom and learning.
It was a haven for all to be accepted and to succeed, many wizards and people alike learned and graduated at this refined palace.

Dark Cacao, an intimidating however warm person at heart yet somehow also a warrior of unheard strength, he was the ruler of the Dark Cacao kingdom up in the high snowy mountains of Earthbread.
He was not only a King of an ancient and prestigious kingdom, but he was also the wielder of the Grapejam Chocoblade, this sword was so heavy it required three average people to even budge it.
Dark Cacao was known as a person of few words but great principle and kindness, even though he seemed almost the complete opposite at times.

You'd never expect these two Kings to be together, who would anyone?
Different lifestyles, different cultures and completely different backgrounds. However their personalities were actually a lot more similar than you'd think, for they had been in a healthy and long term relationship since, well, ever. Even if they had to spend quite a large amount of their time seperated and occupied ruling their kingdoms, they never failed to appreciate each other's company more than ever each time they visited one another.
Whether it be with their friends White Lily, Hollyberry or even Golden Cheese, they always managed to make each other fall even more in love with one another every time they exchanged their gazes.
Even looking at pictures of either of them in frames made their hearts melt full of love and tenderness.

The news of their wedding actually wasn't a surprise to their friends, they had been in a romantic relationship since their time in the academy until they both eventually graduated, soon proposing to one another a while later.
Their previous status as only being engaged to one another was something that only they could know and no one else however.
The information was crucial to be kept a secret until it was safe for their relationship to become public.
Even if their wedding was small it was still a memorable event for them all. Cheers and dancing in Pure Vanillas personal garden of orchids and numerous other flowers could be heard on that special day, they both felt like the luckiest people on Earthbread that night, to have one another to count on and love, they couldn't ask for anything more.

In a few more ways they were able to still make their marriage kept a secret, they would have to be quite separated more than what was preferred to avoid suspicions.

They knew their royal duties were necessary to keeping their kingdoms functioning.
But when the time came, when there was a time when they could meet without any suspicions, was unfortunately only during a meeting with them both and the rest of their friends to discuss and attend to their Royal duties.
The royal meetings usually only lasted for a few days or even up to a week at most, but that was on very rare occasions, such as when they all had to meet due to a break out of war and it was crucial that they were occupied and were on the front lines all together.
But once again, that was on very rare occasions.

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