Chapter 6 Part 2 Draft & Story Summary

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The blizzard roaring through the Dark Cacao kingdom wasn't getting any quieter as the royal couple calmly cuddled together in front of the fire once again.
Dark Cacao was giving the best aftercare he knew how to give–massaging Pure Vanillas lower-neck and shoulders smoothly whilst he sat beside him, tired and wrapped in one of Dark Cacao's thick silk dressing gowns with the upper half of his body exposed.

"...thank you Dark Cacao, my love… for tonight I mean. Hehe, and the massage." Pure Vanilla said quietly, a slight laugh at the end of his sentence as a small smile crept up on his face.
Cacao knew just where to massage, his body melting into his hands at his warm touch.

"You're… you're welcome." Dark Cacao muttered, his mind elsewhere.

Cacao was thinking about their previous actions, it brought him no distress considering his tone, it was just–he was still very obviously hard.
He had managed to hold back his untouched climax, but the sounds of his lover being pleasured by him still went back and forth in his head–and he just didn't know what to do. His lower abdomen was aching and his crotch was aching too no less.

"Everything okay?" Ask Vanilla, noting the tone in his voice previously.

That's the end of the draft, sorry if it's short.
Now here is the rest of the story:

After that they do they dance with no pants again, eventually falling asleep afterwards cuddling together.
Soon after in the morning they collect themselves and organise to go searching for non native cake hounds, recently reported by villagers who they assume are Dark Enchantress Cookies. They all go out to search along with a few soldiers in case and make camp but are ambushed unarmed by Dark Enchantress Cookie in the roaring blizzard, which she used to her advantage. She separated Dark Cacao from the five, leaving him gravely injured whilst they are ordered to retreat before Vanilla can help him.

Pure Vanilla back at the Citadel gets outrageously mad at Hollyberry, Golden Cheese and White Lily for ordering the retreat when Pure Vanilla stated that he could've gotten Dark Cacao to safety beforehand, snapping and revealing the decade long secret to the butlers and maids around them--he however still continues to argue, only getting madder and making points such as if they leave him out in the blizzard, he'll die if he isn't found quick enough.
Hollyberry tries to comfort him as he breaks down in a teary mess, feelings defeated, only for him to ask for her to hold his staff as he walks into his and Dark Cacaos bedroom, closing and locking the doors, knowing only one way to alleviate his anger by destroying and pushing over most of the furniture in the chamber.
Leaving the three and a few of Dark Cacao cookies subordinates to stand behind the door and wallow in guilt and shock, hearing his shouts and uncontrollable sobs for his missing Husband, wishing they could do something.

Pure Vanilla doesn't come out of the chamber for hours, leaving everyone to devise a plan to rescue Dark Cacao and let Vanilla have his own space to calm down.

Pure Vanilla has his own plan to rescue Cacao, taking off his thin Vanillian robes and putting on Dark Cacaos clothing from his wardrobe. (Which is incredibly thicker and warmer; perfect for most blizzards)
He then escapes through the chambers window and climbs down the side of the Citadel. He forgot that he left his staff with Hollyberry so he figured that to avoid getting spotted he would escape through another path as to not get found.

Hours pass and through Pure Vanillas blurry vision with his eyes all puffy, he notices a small cookie, one with cake for an arm hiding behind a tree and staring at Vanilla. The smaller cookie however disappears with someone dark and brooding, he couldn't make out who they both were in the blizzard, so as to avoid danger, Vanilla made sure the taller one didn't spot him.

As the blizzard got stronger and stronger Vanilla struggled to keep going. The clothes are heavy and the sky is getting darker and darker.
Just as Vanilla struggled to walk any more steps, with squinted eyes he only just notices a figure in the distance.
It was Dark Cacao cookie, wounded but alive in the snow.

With what little strength Vanilla had left he ran as quickly as he could to Cacao, bringing him into a warm embrace as they both lied in the snow. Tired and sore, but glad they found each other.
After a few shared sobs they kiss gently before parting, feeling their bodies freeze as they share what it felt like one last hug, both not soon after falling unconscious to the cold in each other's arms.
Not long after, a group of ten or so cookies find them in the still roaring blizzard.

It was Hollyberry, Golden Cheese, and White Lily, leading a group of soldiers who then took the couple back to the Citadel, both covered in frost and snow.

A few days later, once the blizzard has finally disappeared, they both wake up finally in separate rooms in the Citadel, doctors taking care of them and checking their vitals every so often.

Only a few days pass again, both fully healthy once more as they sit warmly upon a balcony looking down on the Dark Cacao kingdom together with a warm and orange sunset falling into the horizon, hand in hand with their rings on their fingers and matching necklaces wrapped around their necks.

The end.

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