━━ hello, 'lil damsel.

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AS YOUR GAZES PONDER THROUGH THE PURPLE LOCKS OF THE TWO MEN WHO JUST ARRIVED BEFORE YOU, Kokonoi has even yet to feel his own breathing as all of you inside the room watched how they entered and inspected everything around with a nonchalant expression plastered in their faces - as if they knew that a new type of baneful specie has entered the hive that they were living in.

"So, who shouldn't meet up or bumps head with us?" The taller one irked, hands in the pocket of his pants as he swept away the comforter's end to plop himself beside the bed where you are sitting.

"You must've misheard it. But this woman here have to go upstairs, specifically to the rooftop since she really need some fresh air. She's our worker and she has asthma. Being clouded with people right now is one thing that we're avoiding so...can you move? Haru's waiting for her upstairs." Takeomi instructed as he paved the way for you to escape the heavy ambiance weaving inside the room.

"Who are you kidding? Somebody texted us that she's Haru's soulmate and she witnessed one of our operations flopped last night. There's no way that we'll just let it go so how exactly are you doing, demoiselle?" He queried towards you with an impish grin in his lips, earning nothing but a stiffened reaction from you.

"Is she deaf?"

"Go upstairs, y/n." Koko intruded, hands placed on his hips to grab his gun incase something bad happens.

You nodded in response, glancing at Koko once before advancing outside the room to the bivouac of the building whilst hiding the fact that you are actually running away from the Haitani. The sun's luminousity by then blinded you for a minute after you reached the wide gutter of the rooftops.

As far as you know, Takeomi said Haru is here and wherever the hell he is standing is such a hardship for you.

"So hot." Finding for a shade to hide on for the mean time, you uttered those words while roaming your eyes around the place only for your iris to catch a glimpse of Haru's figure who's leaning on the rails. There's a cohiba cigar that he's sipping between his plumpy lips as he watched you with a dull look plastered in his emerald eyes.

"This is the end of the track. No need to run." He said as his gaze found how your eyes altered in the glimpse of confusion. What he said isn't that clear for you to comprehend and yet, you still just stood in the middle of the rooftop like some lady-in-waiting with him as your escort.

"What do you mean?"

"I said, don't run. I'll end them myself if they touch you." Haru casually said as his free hand subdued the strands of his pink hair to the back, eyes fixated on looking at you like he doesn't mind if the both of you got caught by those siblings.

"You're actually going to hand me over to those Haifati, Haiwani whatever-their-names are brothers?" You asked, feeling the lining of your patience snapped as your teeth gritted with your livid tone.

"Who says I'm going to let them have you? No way, gutsy. I just simplified a fact that we don't have to run anymore. There's no need to run." He said, grinning from ear to ear as if it's a good idea to just stay here when two of his colleagues are out to kill them prior to their "whatever" organization's regulation.

Truth is, you don't really know the measurement of his power or strength so how is he even so bumptious that those siblings will lose against him? You don't know how to answer and you don't really want to answer, too.

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