━━ linking soulmate.

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"SETTING EVERYTHING ASIDE, Y/N. DO YOU AND HARU ALREADY HAVE SOME CONNECTION BY NOW? What's the status? Any new news about your relationship?" Kio queried excitingly towards you as you together with her and Inupi are just busy eyeing the men from afar, watching how Mikey's horselaugh resonated towards the stark coast as all of them - the old Toman and Bonten are sitting on a spacey log whilst encircling in the bonfire that Draken made.

It was almost midnight when everyone decided to have a little chitchat in the open bay and reminisce about their childhoods or past now that both groups seemed to go fond of each other despite of the old Toman captains being against the idea that Mikey is managing a criminal organization, not to mention how the past members of Toman is using Toman's name when they're committing such heinous crimes - the one thing that Kazutora consulted about Haru last time.

"I don't really know, Kio. There's a short development, maybe? We kissed." You reputed even though your insides are combusting a great amount of throe upon realizing that Haru and you don't have any romantic connection at all. Yes, he might kissed you but does his heart really beats for you only?

"Why are you so unsure? With all that kissing, y/n?" Kio sneered, "There's so many ladies staring at him awhile ago, too. Some even dared to ask for his number but you know what? He didn't even spared them a glance or long talk. Guess he's already committed. Hm? What do you think? Isn't he faithful? You sure you're not in love yet?" Kio grinned at you whose both cheeks instantlt reddened on her teasing. You just can't help it considering that Haru was discreetly avoiding you awhile ago.

"It's obvious that you like or...maybe love him, y/n. And it's more clear that he likes you, too. Some of them just don't know how to show it because they're criminals and they're men. They thought only of the basics but never act up on it. But what exactly is stopping you from telling him personally? It'll create a stronger connection, you know." Inupi intruded with a smile from ear to ear.

"I don't know, Seishu. I just don't know how to start confessing. And I think he's avoiding me. I tried asking him for a barbecue awhile ago but he just turned his back on me and pretended to conversed with Baji even though they're not even the slighest bit close. And that's not just it. He's also dodging my stares and then...I don't know. It just felt like he's eluding my company." You honestly uttered, hands fiddling with each other as the events hours ago returned to your very thoughts.


As everyone's surrounding around the puny bench, you who's still busy eating, slyly laughed with the gang without concerning any fret to your surroundings. It felt cozy in their grasp and you don't even know why but upon noticing that your viand's already empty the moment you took a stall to eat, you stood up and planned to get for a piece of meat in the table when Haru just abruptly walked pass you view, like the hombre is in a rush for something.

"Oh. Haru, can you please get me some mea-?"

"Baji! My man! How's life being single, huh?" The man suddenly exclaimed as he took a seat next to the black-haired lad with his stalwart back facing you, immediately as if he just trampled on your words.

"Why are you talking to me?" Baji sniggered with his eyes contempting a great amount of distaste.

"I asked you first! HAHAHA!" Haru cackled loudly before putting his arms on Baji's back who's just vividly irking in his presence.

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