━━ whisper of help.

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"MINE." HARU WHISPERED UNDER HIS BREATH AS HE WAS LEANING ON THE CROOK OF YOUR NECK, breathing out the sense of how intoxicated he is for you on your bare skin, sending you the shudders and rip-through flutters. You thought awhile ago that he's already done with all of this dilly-dally but then he stood up for a minute just to come back and hover himself on top of you, kissing you everywhere sensibly afterwards; from your forehead, nose, lips, cheeks, and now neck.

Frankly speaking, wherever this might go is scaring you.

Your abdomen's already exposed from the fabric of his t-shirt that you're wearing, your lips were swollen from how many times he nibbled and sucked on it as well as your hair's all disheveled and messy - all in all, you looked like a wreck and yet Haru really has the nerve to say...

"You're really such a beauty." He chuckled, voice sounding more husky and weary every passing second as if he's indulged in some type of either discomfort or devastation.

"Haru, what are you doing this for? Are you on drugs?" You asked of him, judging by how his eyes reddened and swirled, the crook of his lips, his smell and everything. He looks high from whatever vitamins did he took and how did you knew? When you went through his cabinet and saw the pile of prohibited drugs sorted out in each pack or container, also indicating that he isn't just your normal murderer.

"What do you mean? I'm with my drugs now. The addicting one." He laughed off before leaning to give your lips another careless kiss.

At first, it's awkward to be that close. But eventually, being inured with his queer deeds and flowery addictive words every hour, you didn't mind anything he does to you anymore. You swore you'll let him anyways.

"Haru.." You whispered amidst but before you could even say what you wanted, your warm and mildly dried lips contacted in one swift move again. This time, your mind stopped for a second when his lips stirred an abominable feeling inside your gut whilst his tongue started poking your lips, causing for it another wave of fervid hotness to crawl into you.

Closing your eyes, you slowly responded to his caress as a muffled whimper came out of your throat. What you did made him halt for a second before you felt his hands travelled to your face, hauling you to met his rough kisses. By then, you parted your lips to let his tongue blistered smoothly inside your mouth, to memorize every corners of it whilst you copied his movements.

With your tongue swirling pass each other's, he tilted his head more and breath through his nose, sending you another tingles as your arms churned pass his shoulders to hold his nape, to draw him closer until both of you can fully grasp one and each delectation conquering at the moment of your kiss.

He kissed you, alive and well like you're a prey set for him as a predator.

Thus, the softness of his kisses lingered for a minute before he pulled from it, leaving a string of saliva between both of your lips. You gasped while meeting up with his intent stares under the sun's radiant light until he uttered something that made the insanity in you subside.

"Fuck this lips. I want to disrespect, worship, or glorify this lips, you, and your body in the most respectful way I can," He said under his breath, "And you have to stop me before that happens because I'm sure enough that I'm just high right now. Do you understand?"

"I would like you to do those things to me, Haru. Everything." You whispered, intoxicated.

"You're really unbelievable." He gestured, twirling your h/c and h/l hair by his fingers, playing with it.

"What my soulmate wants, my soulmate gets after all." You chuckled.

"Hm, okay. Then what my girl wants, my girl gets." Haru smirked, taking your lips once again into his possession.

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