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It was a very nice looking morning as Jisung glanced over Changbin who hesitantly trying to ring the bell of their new dorm. Chan already inside with the other two sub-units, discussing stuff while the two rappers just arrived.

"Is it really that hard to even ring a bell?" Jisung asked, sighing.

"But Hyunjin's inside!"

The younger's eyebrows furrowed. "So?"

"I'm shy!"

"It's just him! I thought you like the spearbeestan admin?"

"That's different because I don't even know the person's face or identity. Hyunjin is basically my celebrity crush, you know?!"

"Then don't be a coward and just ring that motherfucking bell--" As soon as Jisung was about to kick Changbin's ass, someone opened the door, revealing Seungmin with his puppy smile.

"Oh you guys must be Changbin and Jisung, come on in! Hyunjin and Felix is cooking our breakfast and Chan hyung is talking about roommates," the boy said, opening the door for Jisung and Changbin.

The two stepped in and gaped at how big their new dorm is. Chan who saw their reactions just chuckled, gesturing them to put their stuffs and sit on the dine table.

"Guys, this is Jisung and Changbin. You two, this is... them. You'll introduce yourself to these two, okay?" Chan said to the others while Changbin and Jisung confusedly smiled and sat.

Jisung looked over the person in front of him and he almost cursed when he saw who the guy is. It's fucking Lee Minho! The guy who has a fan that called Jisung horny.

Felix walked to the table with a pot full of instant ramen. Hyunjin followed the younger and just grinned when he got a questioning look from Seungmin.

"I thought you guys were making something great."

Hyunjin dramatically gasped. "Hey! Nothing is great except for instant ramen, you know? And the fridge is still empty so we can't cook much." Felix just giggled and sat next to Jeongin, quickly grabbing the youngest's bowl to fill it up.

"Oh hyung that's actually my bowl--"

"I know, I just wanna be kind to the cutest maknae ever. Can't I?" Jeongin's cheeks turned red at the sudden compliment and Seungmin just looked at them with a disbelief look on his face.

"Yah yah Jeongin is mine," the puppy-like boy warned Felix, who just scoffed.

"Of course I know that. Now your bowl, puppy?" Felix said, gesturing to the empty bowl that belong to Seungmin to fill it up. Seungmin just stopped functioning at the pet name. "Hyung, you broke Seungmin hyung!" Jeongin playfully scolded Felix.

Chan chuckled at the three and glanced over to Minho who also smiling at the scene in front of him. The oldest sat next to Minho and giggled when the dancer blinked at him confusedly.

"Whipped much?" Chan asked and Minho almost laughed at the question.

"Nah it's just cute seeing Lix getting excited with younger members. Anyways..." Minho turned his face from Chan to Jisung, who was clearly staring at the older even though he legit sitting in front of him.

"Dude, you have a horny fan. No offense though," Minho exclaimed calmly to the younger, resulting Jisung, Chan and Changbin who heard that almost choked on their saliva.

"I-- thanks for that information... i guess? And how did you know?"

"I caught one while reading the comments under your fan's post. Do you wanna see it?"

Jisung quickly shook his head and just smiled at the older. "Next time, maybe. And you're Minho, right? Or Jeongin? I'm confused--" Minho just shoot him a very judging stare as soon as he finished his words.

"Jeongin is over there, foxy eyes and I'm Minho, a... cutie?" Minho exclaimed, more like a question to himself when he introduced himself as cute, lips turning into a thin line while his big eyes blinked several times.

Finding it cute, Jisung couldn't help but laughed at the older behavior. "Yeah, a cutie suits you, Minho."

"Hyung. I'm older by two years."

Jisung nodded and gave a very sweet smile. "Minho hyung it is then. Anyways let's eat," he said before grabbing his bowl and passed it to Felix who just gave him a tired look. He just grinned sheepishly and thanked the younger.

Jisung, to be honest, felt charmed by the Minho's behavior. 'He's not that bad, it's just his fan.' he thought to himself.

Little did he know, the person who called him horny was literally in front of him.

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