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Rizzoli > Don't say a word and tell them your lawyer is enroute.
Isles > yes I am on my way. Maur so much for having a day off. Tell me about it. At least we got to enjoy lunch with the Rizzoli brunch earlier.

Jane and I leave. I decide to drive my vehicle to cut down on time because Halstead says it a hot potato case.

I arrive on the scene and it's a social media frenzy

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I arrive on the scene and it's a social media frenzy. Jane pulls up right behind me.

We look at each other and don't say a word

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We look at each other and don't say a word.
Dr. Isles we have double header in the water. We have witnesses that says the man being put in handcuffs is the killer. Great Rizzoli client. Sheriff Halstead isn't going to like this one bit. Yeah, I know.
I go down by the dock and see literally two heads and two bodies with the heads cut off. Dr. Isles can you tell us if the cut could of been made with this? Barry not for sure until I get them bodies down to my lab and run some tests. Christina and Ken be real careful with the heads. We will. Oh another case Jane has. She isn't going to make our job easy. Nope, she never does. Make sure you get all the evidence even if you think it's nothing. Yes Dr.
Ms. Rizzoli thank you for coming. My wife tried to call your niece, but her service said she was out of the country. Yes she is. What are the officers saying your son did? He beheaded his wife and her lover. They have his sword he has above his bed in the boat as a souvenir. He doesn't use it for self defense. He has a gun for that. He barely showed up from the airport and was arrested with my wife standing by him with his coffee and luggage. He just returned from the Fiji from scuba diving. Mr. West I will look into this.
James I am Jane Rizzoli your attorney. Ms. Rizzoli I tried to tell them I just landed an hour ago and my
mother picked me from the airport and we stopped at Starbucks to get coffee. I had a big day to get to. I am a documentary specialist on sea animals. I see. I will meet you at the precinct. Don't say anything. Thank you. I will be there in about an hour. I want to see what they have so far.

Frost Upton what do you have so far? Jane you know we cannot tell you anything that pertinent to the case yet. Fine I will file all the paperwork to get what you find then..

I leave to the precinct . Jane Rizzoli to see James West.
I wait to see James West.
Ms. Rizzoli I am sorry we don't have a James West here.
Sgt. Drew why do we always have to go through the misplaced arrested client of mine 90 percent of the time. Here is a legal document that states I will sue you and the precinct. I would like to speak with the sheriff now and don't tell me he is busy nor not able to see me. Hello Jane always a pleasure to see a fine ex detective. Halstead I am not here to speak about my past career. Sgt.Drew cannot locate James West that frost and Upton brought in for a double murder. Sgt Drew is this correct? Yes. Please go to booking and have WEST brought into interview room . Yes sheriff. Jane you know he does this to get you riled up. Jane he likes you. Jay not the best way to ask me out.

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