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Two weeks went by fast. We prepared Mandi and Jay for the hearing of Cheryl Smith and we all were prepared for Jefferson Warren, Paul Windsor and Greg Fellows hearing.
We agreed to have the hearing together. This way gave Avery and I an advantage. The district attorney didn't object. They had a job to do as we did. I saw when Maur walked into the court room with her mother and sister and finally Parker too. The court room was packed and they had to clear the hallways because of safety issues.
Maur walks up to Jefferson and slaps him hard.
How could you and why? Maura you weren't suppose to get hurt physically only your business . You went after my hotel and the others too. Your a fucking coward. You aren't the man I thought you were. Not only your not that good in bed. My girlfriend is more than satisfies me.
The judge comes in and tells everyone to act right or leave . I apologize your honor. I know the judge like so many others in Tahoe. Dr..Isles any more outbursts or assaults you will be arrested. Sorry your honor.
Maur sits down.
Way to go sis. You sure hurt his male ego than the actual slap. You did leave a mark on him with your ring Jane bought you. Oh well. Katelyn and Maura be quiet before you get kicked out.
The governor of California enters the court room. Good morning governor. Good morning your honor. I would like to speak with you and the attorneys in your chambers. This case will resume in an hour.

We see Avery and Jane go with the governor, his security the district attorney and his assistant and the judge leave the court room.

What could this mean Frankie? Parker the governor could tell the district attorney to drop some of the charges or say something else. I don't know. Jay what do you think? What Frankie stated and you pay a fine and or do community service. Well hopefully we can pay a fine and get this over this. I do more than my share of community service for free for Sacramento as it is.

We all wait for a an hour and court resumes.
Jay Halstead you will not serve jail time but will serve 100 hours of community service at the meals and wheels programs. Your attorneys have the details. If you don't, you will serve three years and a fine in your community. Thank you your honor. Ms. Biel I don't condone what you have done but if it hadn't been for your shooting skills many of us could be seriously injured or dead. You are to pay Tahoe 25,000 and court fees. Yes your honor thank you. Mandi I will pay the fee. Thank you Parker. It's the least I can do.

Gogernor Newsom leaves the court Court room.

Court will resume after lunch for the other three hearing.
Hailey kisses Jay. Parker leaves with Avery to pay my fees to Tahoe which equates to 36,000.
We all go to lunch.
Babe thank you for coming and saying what you said to Jefferson. J, I was only telling the truth. Maura that was a low blow to a males ego says Carlo.
Jay you need to head back tonight to begin your community service tomorrow We got it from 359 hours and no times. You are required to do twenty hours a week because you're retired at the meals on wheels program. If you are sick or injured, you are to notify this court in Tahoe right away. The good thing the media was so involved with the governor we got out-of there not being bothered by the press.
We go to Applebees which is rhe closest restaurant. We all eat.

Frankie, Antonio go back with Hailey and Jay to help them pack so Hailey can get them back early. Jane thank you for paying my bail. It's okay. I get it back for you both. Your welcome. Jane and for allowing us to stay at your cabin and. Dr. Isles for feeding us for two weeks ..Jay and Hailey your welcome. Drive home safe. I will again thanks.
We leave along with Mandi so she can get back to the restaurant and to the meals on wheels program. Everyone else stayed for the hearing on Jefferson Warren Greg Fellows and Paul Windsor.

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