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I went home and parked my car.

Yilena's office said she had a meeting off site to be at

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Yilena's office said she had a meeting off site to be at.  I thought by now she would be home.
I enter our home and look in the family room and recall just a few weeks ago of taking the photo with Yilena and officially moved in here.  I see the bill from Casey and call him to come by to get his check or I can drop it off at the firehouse tomorrow.  He asked me to drop it off at the fire house for him

  He asked me to drop it off at the fire house for him

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I called Yilena and it goes to her voice mail. I leave a message and start dinner .
Gloria I don't know what else to do..anything they find they will forward to them.  My prints and face are different as well as my vocal cords. I will put feelers out discreetly. You will find out anything they get so I will know. Babe what if they find something? I will deal with it when it arises.  In the meantime, we all need to go on as my aliases. I better get going. Beth left a message. I told work I  had a meeting so it wasn't a lie.  Gloria just be careful. These defectives are good at what they do.I am going to presume the police department has been notified too. Thanks for the heads up.  Gloria I don't know what the family can do for you. I know. I hug my aunts and we all depart.

I finally arruvr home and I smell home made chili with corn bread.
BETH sorry I was busy and couldn't pick up the cell. I did go pick up dessert and more butter like you asked. Thanks. I hand the items to Beth and go to the front room to put my gun and badge up. I wash up and get the TV trays out so we can watch football.  Babe this smells good. I hope it tastes good.  I used turkey instead of ground beef. We need to keep off the weight for the cruise.  I paid for both of ours. Beth you didn't have to do that..it's my Christmas gift to you. Oh babe. Thank you  Your welcome  and it's okay.  I leased my home out to a dean who just divorced her husband.  She makes more so he got the house.  Ouch that sucks.  It was his before they got married. We better eat before it gets cold.

We were laughing at the new York giants on how many turn over. Detroit won.  Yilena won tonight fantasy pool. All the winnings in the end would go to the korsak's children's shelter for their school programs.

Babe I am tired. It's been a long day. Okay. Go on up and I will be up there in a second.  I had purchased a lovely negligee for tonight.  I brushes my teeth and freshened up and went to change on the  downstairs bedroom. I went upstairs and I called out for my girlfriend.  I entered the bedroom and Yilena was out cold and was slightly snoring.  My poor baby was tired. I got into bed with the negligee and turned off the light. Yilena felt me in bed and got close to cuddle but was sound asleep. Oh well, not tonight.  I eventually fell asleep a little disappointed.
It was around 3:45ish when I woke up to use the restroom and moved my hands from Beth. I got up and noticed what she was wearing.  I said damn it and went to to restroom and cleaned up. I got change out or my clothes and just kept my boxers on.
I got back into bed. This woke up Beth.
Babe I am sorry for falling asleep. It okay. I was a little disappointed, but realized you must of been tired snoring a little. Babe we can make up for time now if you want.
Beth turns towards me with a huge grin.  My signal to go for it. I started kissing her and going slowly down her neck and sides while massaging her breasts. Beth started to moan.  My other signal to remove the negligee. I removed it and went lower on her kissing her inner thighs and moving my lips to her lower region.

Oh baby yes baby come to mama. 

I looked up and smiled and continued. Beth was bucking her hips towards my tongue and moaning loudly.  I finally entered her and we both were moving our hips.  I knew she was close as she was getting tight around my cock and my cock was expanding more and more.  I started to scream and came in her. We both were screaming.  We held onto each other bucking our hips back and forth. Beth had three orgasms back to back and I had two in between her three. I eventually pulled out shooting my cum on her  abs. 
Baby thank you.  No thank you. Yilena I  am now tired.  Let me clean you off. No just lay on me.
I did as she requested of me and we both eventually fell asleep.

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