Rafe Cameron's Pt'2s. RC: Permission pt. 2

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For the next few chapters these imagines will be the Pt.2s of the imagines you all have asked for

I have been getting a lot of comments for them so mind as well start now

Also to mention instead of gifs like my original imagines have instead they'll be pictures of Rafe Cameron in certain scenes that are about the imagine

Enjoy x



"She'll be my wife on day rather your breathing or not" Rafe spits at her father

"Is everything okay here" y/n says coming toward the both of them

"Just peachy" her father says looking at them both glaring at Rafe


Y/n had looked from her boyfriend towards her father that was just glaring at Rafe not wanting to break the eye contact that they both were holding towards each other

Rafe's grip was tighting on her as that was more of a sign to let her father know that she wasn't going to let her go that easily especially if that piece of shit had said so

"Lunch is ready" Ward says making the 3 of them look at him

She was the first one to get up and smile as the sounds of her stomach were being heard only Rafe had heard making him chuckle as y/n had hit his chest playfully

For a second Rafe didn't pay attention to her father and for a second he was the last thing on his mind until that moment was gladly ruined

"Come on sweet heart" her father says looking at y/n

He tries to touch y/n before she yanks her arm back as Rafe starts to step in knowing that she was clearly uncomfortable by his touch

"What are you gonna do boy" y/n's father says looking at Rafe up and down

"Alright let's just" Ward starts to say putting his hand out and looking from both of them as y/n was now by Rose that was also watching

Y/n's father had chuckled as he was walking inside as Rose and y/n both started setting the table as her father was just adding more liquor into his glass

Ward and Rafe both watch as y/n's father walked back inside and had gladly taken a seat as the two women were working around him

Ward shuts the door before looking at Rafe

"What was that" he questions crossing his arms and looking at his son

"I asked for his permission" Rafe starts to say

Ward looks at him confused waiting for his son to finish

"To marry y/n"

"And he said no laughed in my face actually threaten me" Rafe says looking at her dead beat dad holding out his glass for either Rose or her to fill it up

"Oh sweetheart" his drunk voice calls out

Y/n just stares at him in disgust as Rose and Sarah were just awkwardly looking at one another they all were sitting as far as away from him as possible

"Are your hands broken" y/n spits at him

Before he could answer Rafe and Ward had walked into the dining room taking a seat as Rafe had kissed y/n's cheek taking a seat next to her

Her father glared at him

"Thank you for the bottle" her father says on his way to walk out walking all over the place as they all just wanted to him to leave

"Y/n can we chat outside " her father says making the room go quiet

She was a bit hesitate at first not wanting to say anything to this man in front of her but whatever this chat was going to be about it was going to be the fastest chat ever

"Sure" she says uneasy

Her father and y/n both walk outside of the house as the front door was shut and it was just the two of them now, her father never broke the eye contact and the grip on the bottle was now turning his hand white

"So what did you want to" y/n starts to say

"Don't marry him"

She looks at him confused and taken back at his choice of words wondering where he got that from

"Rafe, don't marry him"

"In fact your going  to break up with him"

"Break up with him now" her father drunkly shouts at her

She starts laughing in his face now ready to go off on him, I mean how dare he tell her what to do with her life for any reason especially of who she was dating

"Oh now, you want to teach me a life lesson"

"Where were you when I needed help with my homework"

"How to drive"

He stayed quiet

"Where were you" she shouts in his face

"You have no right to control my life now, I grew up without a father and your nothing but a piece of shit to me now" "My boyfriend has been there through it all picking up my broken pieces that you caused that you made" "So take his name out of your mouth and move the fuck on I have" y/n says

"He's a murder y/n" " He killed that police officer, he killed  so many people and his family are covering it up and your just so brainwashed because your in love with a killer" " When did you get so gullible"

"I should start calling you by your  mother's name will you be joining her"

That was enough to set her off as she punched and punched and kicked her dead beat dad as his words were so harsh but yet out of everything talking abut her mother was the one that made her lose it

This was not only for her mother but also for Rafe her boyfriend that was the only person that stayed with her

With each punch her knuckles were busting up his face as his drunk ass was on the ground she had picked him up slamming him against the wall

"I love him and I would do anything for him even if that means killing your ass" she spits

"Your fucking in love with a murder" he says blood into his mouth as y/n lets go walking back inside


"So how do you manage to get rid of him without her finding out" Ward asks

Rafe looks from  him before looking outside of the window thinking he would find the two of them but he only saw him on the ground covered in his blood from his face all swollen within seconds later y/n comes through the door

"Yeah we need to get rid of him"

"He knows"

Rafe Cameron ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now