RC: undercover pt.2

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Silence was now heard in the room as JJ and y/n were just exchanging looks from one another not saying a word

"If you do this, then were done" he finally says breaking the silence and walking out of the room leaving her breathless


"So what do I have to do" y/n says looking at the group as JJ was the one person that wasn't making eye contact with her

Kie and John B start explaining the plan as it had to do with Sarah and y/n saying that Sarah and John B just broke up and she needed a shoulder to cry on signaling Topper

Well for y/n she also just needed to forget about JJ from there break up and what better way to do it with is non other then Rafe Cameron

"And where does this take place" y/n says looking at them

"Tonight" "At the event" Sarah says smiling

Y/n looked at her confused as everyone around the room were smirking and already they were educating her about Rafe Cameron

The only two things that mattered

1 He parties and does drugs

2. Hates the Pogues

"So I just have to be drunk and high while talking shit on the Pogues" y/n says as a question

"Basically" Pope says shrugging his shoulders

They just all begin talking about what was about to go down tonight and the thought of being close to any guy in that way instead of JJ made y/n want to throw up

Sarah and y/n were now getting ready as they just sat in silence with the sounds of there music in the background y/n couldn't shut down her brain from thinking of JJ

"I'm sorry what" y/n says looking at Sarah that was staring back at her while doing her hair

She laughs

"I said are you excited"

"A bit nervous" "I don't know what I'm going up against" y/n says softly

"And I miss, JJ"

Sarah's face softens before realizing that they were basically asking for y/n and JJ to break up in order for them to get what they want

"You guys ready" John B calls outside of the door

Sarah and y/n make there way out of the room then out into the living room where everyone was at including JJ as his eyes were towards the ground not wanting to look up but his head was screaming at him too just take a glance at her

"Wow" John B says breathless looking at Sarah

Once his eyes meet hers it was game over he was put under her spell and that was enough to make him lose his voice since his eyes were just glued on every inch of her body

"And I think, JJ agrees" Pope says

It took everything for him not to attack his girl in kisses and hugging her close to his chest and never wanting to let go

But he sadly couldn't

He said words that he couldn't take back but sadly he did mean

Sarah and Y/n walk in the direction of Sarah's house as there were already people being dropped off at the entrance and pictures were being taken just like it was a red carpet

"This party is gay" Topper says looking over the balcony scanning the girls

Rafe was just standing next to him scanning the crowd making sure no Pogue was in sight then his sister Sarah came into his view along with some girl that he has never seen before

"Bro Sarah's here" Topper says before making his way down stairs

"Meet you by the door" y/n whispers in her ear before making her way to the bar leaving Sarah alone just for Topper to be by her side within seconds

A glass of champagne was in y/n's hand as her eyes were just facing on the bar table that was in front of her a part of her wished that she was here with JJ but the other part was glad she came she needed a distraction

"Bartender another drink for the lady" " my treat" a voice says next to her

Y/n was met with a pair of blue eyes and dirty blonde hair wearing a light blue tux and his hair pushed back, she quickly turns her head away

"Isn't it a open bar" y/n says looking at him

A laugh escapes his mouth as his fingers wiped his lips then looking at her before nodding

"Hi, Anything to impress the pretty girl" Rafe says smiling

"Well consider yourself failing" y/n says chugging her second glass of champagne that he had just grabbed her

Rafe just stares at her in amazement

This guy was annoying her she was patiently waiting for this so called Rafe Cameron guy to show up so she could god awfully flirt with him and probably just push her boobs out as far as they could go

But instead she has frat boy all up on her ass

Y/n makes her way over to the dance floor seeing from a far that Sarah has Topper wrapped around her finger like she always does

"Wait where are you going, sweetheart" Rafe calls out

Y/n doesn't answer as her heels try to lose him hoping that she would lose him in the crowd as another glass of champagne was in her hand from the frustration of this one guy causing it

"Can you just fucking leave me alone" "Please" y/n says waiting for him to say his name

"Rafe" "Rafe Cameron"

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