RC: Barry's sister

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"We have to get them away from it" "Stir them in the other direction"

Frustration was building up as his fingers ran through his hair knowing that this was going to be a long and frustrated day he just had wanted it to end

He knew what he had to do and there was no plan that needed to be figured out

Just to kill them Pogues

All at the same time leaving no one behind

John B was already out of the picture

So it had made things a little bit better to take everyone out one after the other

For now he couldn't do that because all eyes were on him unfrontaly thanks from the Pogues that couldn't keep there mouth shut

He was only thinking of the one person that could easily take his mind of things like that was happening in his life


Man she was perfect for him and she wasn't a Kook nor a Pogue she was in the middle and something that he had liked actually loved was that she could give him drugs for free


And she was a beauty to look at

"I gotta go" "Will talk about this later" Rafe says looking at them as he had made his way out of the house while pulling out his phone

"I'm on my way" "I can't wait too see you, princess"

A smile spreads on his lips placing his phone in his pocket then starting his motorcycle and riding towards her place

"Country club" Barry calls out hearing his motorcycle come to a stop outside of his trailer

"I just refilled you in less then an hour ago"

"Not here for that" Rafe starts to say taking his helmet off

Barry looks at him confused as the front front door swings open revealing a very happy y/n that happened to be his sister

"Huh that's the first" Barry says obviously annoyed

"Baby boy" y/n shouts running towards Rafe

"Hi princess" he says hugging her tightly already feeling safe in her arms within a matter of seconds

There lips were connected within seconds as Rafe's hands fall to her waist gripping the ends of her shirt and y/n's hands were on each side of his cheeks as they both were deepening the kiss while Barry was just awkwardly standing in the back ground rolling his eyes

"Alright alright" "Enough of that" Barry says lighting his cigarettes'

"You know you could go just go inside, brother" y/n says never breaking eye contact with Rafe that was getting lost in her eyes

"Ya whatever" Barry says under his breath closing the door

"Did you miss me that much already" y/n says sweetly to him

Rafe smiles nodding his head as his hand had gently rubbed one side of her face placing a kiss on her forehead gently and sweetly

"You make me forget about my bad days, y/n" Rafe says there eyes meeting once those words left his mouth

"Are you falling in love with me, Mr. Cameron" she says as a joke

"Maybe I am" Rafe says challenging her

"Maybe you should" she adds challenging him once more as she holds his hand and walks him in there house

He slightly laughs thinking of his life with y/n that could be completely different from where he's at right now

He could be happy and away from everyone away from every this bad in his life

"Wow for once it actually looks clean in here" Rafe starts to say

"Shut the fuck up" Barry says rolling his eyes

"It's me it's always me cleaning after him" y/n says while laughing

"Your perfect aren't you" Rafe says looking at y/n

"Yeah maybe you should have her then" Barry says catching both of there attention

She watched the way her brother had said that last remark as the room had went quite and awkwardly Rafe was just staring at him then at her then back towards Barry that was clearly fed up for no reason

Y/n was happy shouldn't that matter

"I mean if you like too" Rafe says slowly

"Are you asking me to marry you" y/n questions

"Let's just start with moving in" "Don't forget the drugs princess"

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