01 | obumbratio

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 "Are you sure?"

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 "Are you sure?"

Vienna stayed silent for a moment, thinking this over one last time.

"Yes, I am sure." she replied, giving Azrael a confident look.


Lee looked back, hearing the rustle of bushes behind her, but slowly turned back around when she didn't see anybody.

Looking ahead with tired eyes, her eyes fell to the place she'd come to visit. "Hey, mom. I am sixteen now," she sighed, stroking the white marble stone that had gotten almost brown over the years, a layer of moss covering it's base.

Lee looked around at the tombstones, noticing that the entire graveyard was empty other than her. but it didn't matter to her. The graveyard had never creeped her out, in fact it had been kind of a safe place where she felt comfortable and familiar, and she would spend half her time there with her mom if Ms. Connors didn't want her back home by nine.

"It's been sixteen years since you died and of me living at the orphanage with Ms. Connors," she whispered, remembering her life through the years as a tear leaks out of her eyes.

For most people, their birthdays were their one special day of the year that they waited for, but not for Lee. Her birthday was her most dreaded day of the year. It was the day her mom had died. Died giving birth to her.

She couldn't control the tears that fell onto the tombstone as she leaned against it, and she couldn't control the sobs that sent tremors through her body in the cold night air.

Quickly rubbing her eyes, Lee put on a small smile, "I will try not to cry anymore mom," she said, "At least I will try my best not to," stroking the engraved letters.

Eleanor Gray.

Lee leaned forward, the flashes of memories still going through her mind, the few photos that she had of her mom, the few things she knew about her, the pain making her shake as she kept her forehead on the cool stone, her fingers clawing at the soil so that they'd stop shaking so much.

It's as Lee was laying there, when she suddenly felt a great wind rise up, making her hair flow behind her as she looked up around her.

Looking around, it was a few seconds before she saw the cause, her eyes widening as she took in the scene in front of her.

There were black shadows, things, that were rising from under the ground, slowly taking shape. It looked unreal and wild, as if they didn't belong to this world.

A scream pierced the air, and Lee realised a little too late that it was her own. Quickly scrambling up off the ground and picking up her bag, she turned away, almost starting to run when she saw that those exact same creatures were forming behind her, to her left, her right, all around her.

A high pitched noise started piercing her ears, making her drop her bag as her hands came up to cup them.

"Stop. Stop. Stop. It's too much," Lee cried, dropping to her knees as the sound made her headache and her stomach churn.

Lee forced herself to look up, seeing that the creatures were closing in on her, all huge giant clouds of black smoke that had taken the shape of things Lee couldn't recognise.

She started to back away, but two steps back and her back hit her mom's tombstone, making her lose balance. Another scream left her as the shadows closed in even further, making her choke as the oxygen slowly left the air around her and black spots dotted her vision.

She was almost about to faint, when she heard someone curse, her head jerking up to find help, anybody who would get her out of this.

"Help! Please somebody help, I am stuck," she helplessly started shouting, her hands flailing about when suddenly everything disappeared, the oxygen re entering her lungs and the high pitched noise receding.

Lee fell to the ground, keeping her forehead on the cool soil as her panic started to go away. It had only been hallucinations. It's not real. They are not real. She said to herself over and over, rocking back and forth when someone's shout entered her ears.

"Lee, listen to me. Lee, come on, snap out of it."

It was her dad. Black glowing shimmering aura around him as he stood there in a black clad hunter gear, or at least what looked like hunter gear to Lee.

She slowly stands up, her expression blank as reality refused to set in, as even though her mind was screaming at her to turn around and start running, her body did the exact opposite.

"Lee, no. You have to run. Run, and don't look back," her dad said, a look of urgency in his eyes as he looked back at her.

He was looking at her, but his attention was focused in front of him. His hands extended in front of him as he... as he fought the black creatures.

"Dad, what's going on..?" She asked, falling back a few steps.

"Just run. Get away. I will take care of this," he grunts, falling back a step to steady himself.

"But, but-" she started to say, trying to find what to say but her mind had gone blank.

"No buts, Eleanor. You will only get in the way. You need to run!" He shouted at her, and this time she listened, turning around and starting to run as fast as she could go.

 You need to run!" He shouted at her, and this time she listened, turning around and starting to run as fast as she could go

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Thankyou vcmpyres for all the chapter banners! They are amazing!

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