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Silence filled the air as everyone filed into the garden of Aredhel Manor, the grief and sadness heavy in everyone's heart

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Silence filled the air as everyone filed into the garden of Aredhel Manor, the grief and sadness heavy in everyone's heart.

Today, they remembered the girl that had been with them for a few months at most, but a girl who had led them to freedom. She had done something that nobody had been able to ever before. And she had died doing it.

Everyone fell into their positions in a circle around Lee's body, knowing what to do without anyone saying anything.

Once everyone was there, Azrael cleared his throat, the pain on his face evident to all as he made his way to stand beside his daughter's body.

"Vale, fili, quia nas honorasti et dedisti nobis quod petivimus" he said.

Farewell, my child, for you have honored us and you have given to us all we could ask for.

Everyone chanted behind him, filling the air with their goodbyes to their fallen one.

Once this was done, the circle broke apart, making their way to the chairs facing a stage.

Vienna took a deep, shuddering breath, walking up onto the stage and standing in the middle.

Finally, after the commotion had stopped, and everyone was seated in place, Vienna cleared her throat.

This was goodbye. Goodbye to the daughter she had left when she was just an infant. The daughter who saved everything that was close to Vienna's heart, except herself. Lee saved everyone.

But nobody saved Lee.

Vienna looked up, taking a deep breath, "We are here today, in the memory of Lee, daughter of Azrael and Vienna. My daughter." her voice broke.

Vienna's eyes found her daughter, the daughter who was all well and healthy, sitting in the front row. Khayme.

Soon after Interitus had died, Khayme had lost consciousness in her cell, and when she'd woken up again, she had been back to normal.

That even though Lee had died thinking she had failed, that she hadn't been able to save her sister, she had. She had brought Khayme back to life.

"I am so grateful that I had her in my life, no matter for how short a time. I regret not having met her sooner, but I will never regret having her. She is my greatest pride. She saved me, my people, and my daughter. I will owe her forever more."

She paused, collecting herself then said, "When I saw her for the first time, I couldn't believe it. And then when I had to see her sent away to an orphanage, it broke me, and I regret it to this day. And it breaks me yet again when I think of never being able to see you again. I will miss you, Lee," she said, the last part addressed to her daughter.

Vienna left the mic, starting to walk away, but she stopped mid way, her gaze falling on all the people in front of her. At Azrael, who stood rigid in his place, his shoulders tense and his mouth in a line. Lee's friends, Caelum and her boyfriend, Slane. At Khayme. They were all coping in different ways. Caelum and Slane had found comfort in each other's presence, spending most of the time together, and Vienna knew that Caelum was helping Slane cope in some way too. Khayme was... she was not in a good state right now, but Vienna knew that though Lee's death would affect them forever, this would go. This time of loss and grief.

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