03 | initium finis

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A/N- Just pronounce the names  any way you like, it's up to you (They may be a little complicated)

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A/N- Just pronounce the names  any way you like, it's up to you (They may be a little complicated)


"This is where you live?" Lee asked in shock, looking up at the mansion. There was just too much to take in, too much new information.

"Well, technically yes. But it's not just my home. Come inside, I will show you," he said, leading her forward through the big entry gates and then down the path that led to the main door.

As soon as they reached, a voice rose up in Lee's ear. "Hello, hello, little one. We have been waiting for you for years now," and Lee looked up at her dad in shock.

"Is someone speaking in my head?"

Taking a deep breath, he replies, "That...is Hassan. You can say that he is the gatekeeper at Aredhel."

At that Lee mumbled a hi, not sure who she was talking to.

The large doors opened up in front of them with a swish and as soon as she took a step inside, someone appeared in front of her, scaring her to death with its suddenness. She fell back a step, a hand on her heart, only to see a huge, well he was very tall, man standing in front of her, a big smile on his face.

"Don't scare her like that Hassan," he dad sighed, and she gave him a look saying that it was fine.

Even though this was a little much, and completely new to her, she couldn't deny that she wasn't curious about this. Every new thing she found out made her more curious, made her want to know even more.

Hassan takes her bag from her saying, "I will take it to your room, Eleanor," and Lee was way too tired after the journey to correct him, and so she let it be, not telling him that she liked to be called Lee.

Azrael and Lee made their way forward through the red-carpeted halls, looking at all the pictures that adorned the walls and the countless people in them.

"Who are these people?" she asked in a whisper, her eyes not leaving the picture of one of the women. She was extremely beautiful.

"They are your ancestors," he said, and he noticed the way her eyes were stuck on one of the portraits. Seeing that, he took a deep breath, saying, "That is Vienna, the Goddess of Life."

"Goddess of Life?" Lee asks, her eyes a little widened.

"Yeah, kind of our opposite, you know? Us being Death and her being Life."

"Does that mean we aren't supposed to like her or something?" she asked and saw as Azrael shaked his head.

"No, I mean, it's hard to explain, you will get to know everything with time," he said and Lee sighed. All he was saying to her was that she would get to know soon. When that soon would come, she had no idea.

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