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Azrael groaned

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Azrael groaned. He had hoped that the locked door would keep Lee inside, but he had known that it wouldn't. He didn't know how she had done it, but she had. Because she was right here, and fighting Interitus out of everyone.

Azrael grunted, putting his power to use on the shadow beings, ones that usually wandered his realm, unharming, but they were under Interitus's control right now.

"Are you okay, Azrael?" he heard a boy's voice, Slane's voice, call out to him, sounding strained and he turned towards him, giving a curt nod before he sent his focus back on the beings surrounding him. He had gotten distracted for a second by Vienna, looking heavenly in all her beauty, and then his daughter, who made him worry about her literally all the time.

He had been heart broken when he'd heard about Khayme, knowing that the two women he loved the most in the world were hurting right now. It had hurt him too. He had liked Khayme, loved her even.

He was fighting one of the larger, more powerful demons, when his eyes fell on Lee, his blood running cold at the sight. He shouted her name, gathering Vienna's attention too as he did.

His daughter lay still on the ground, with Interitus grabbing her and picking her up, a sinister smile on his face, one that made Azrael sick to the gut, reminding him of his war with the said demon a thousand years ago, when he'd first trapped him with the help of Vienna.

More power burst through him as he pushed himself, turning his attention towards his daughter as he started running towards her, sending jabs of power at Interitus. A frustrated groan left his mouth when he realised that he was out of range, his attacks not even reaching Interitus.

Interitus. It meant destruction. And that's exactly what he brought everywhere he went. And if he got Lee, he'd destroy her too. And the thought scared the hell out of him.

Azrael pushed himself forward, shouting at Vienna to help, shouting at anyone to help, to just delay Interitus, who was slowly disintegrating into dust, Lee lying unconscious in his hands.

Finally, Azrael got into range, pushing all his magic, concentrating into one single attack. He let it go, and the energy burst through him, but before it could even reach the demon, it was deflected.

By Vienna.

"What are you-" he shouted in frustration, and was suddenly pulled back by two hands.

"You can't do anything, Azrael, she is gone," a soft sound whispered, but Azrael didn't register it, pulling his arms out of the grasp as he ran towards the spot where Interitus had been standing. Interitus was gone now. And so was his daughter with him.

Azael fell to the ground, a scream of fear and frustration combined leaving his mouth.

The other shadow beings around him were disappearing now too as their master was gone, leaving the gods and their children tired and panting on the ground. Some were unconscious and the others hurt.

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