How It All Started.

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It all started with a girl and a boy...
   They went out to a party one night,they were underage drinking at the age of 15 this girl was named Alexa-Wright. And the boy were named Marcus-Davison.

That night will have changed Alexa's and Marcus's life forever....

They were lots of underage teenagers at this party from the High-school named Trinity  High-school, underage teenagers had lots of alcohol on this hot summer dreamy night.

As Alexa and Marcus had best friends named Katie and Micheal they went to the party with them as a 4 they all got extremely drunk as they had a lot to drink. Your probably wondering what happened next well... Alexa and Marcus had a lot to drink that night. As they had a lot to drink they went upstairs into a random persons bedroom at the party. It started with some insane kissing then being some silly teenagers Marcus and Alexa were Alexa and Marcus had sex. Bearing in mind it was Alexa's first time having sex but it was a rare thing for Marcus to do...
They did not use protection that night.

*A Day Later*

Alexa was taking to her best friend Katie. Alexa says "so me and Marcus had sex last night." Katie replied "WHAT... I mean how was it?" Alexa continues "It was amazing it was the best thing ever! It was so hot and sexy!" Katie reply's "uhm Alexa please tell me you used protection.." Alexa "well no I didn't... and I'm also due my period today it hasn't come.." Katie screams "WHAT!!! ARE YOU MAD ALEXA!!!!" Katie says quietly "we need to go to the Pharmacy to get a pregnancy test Alexa and you know we do!" Alexa says in a shocked voice "uhm okay let me grab my purse!"

They both get into Katie's car and drive to the nearest pharmacy. They arrived at the pharmacy and Katie says "Alexa here are the pregnancy test I think you should get a couple..." Alexa's reply's back very nervously "yeah I think so to..." Alexa slowly puts 4 boxes of pregnancy test into her basket. Alexa and Katie slowly walk over to the contour in embarrassment. Alexa pays for the pregnancy test by her bank card. As the shop keeper looks Alexa up and down and frowns, Alexa reply's "thank you mad'am have a great day" as her and Katie walk out of the pharmacy.

Katie and Alexa drive back to Katie's house. They arrive in Katie's bedroom, and Alexa and katie walk into Katie's onsuite bathroom, Alexa places down all the pregnancy on the top of the contour, Alexa says to katie "I'm
not ready for this" Katie reply's nervously "girl I'm sure you will be fine" Alexa mumbles "mhm" Alexa picks up each pregnancy test and sits down and pisses on each stick. One after another Alexa has used 4 pregnancy tests already, Alexa and Katie both sit there biting there nails waiting for each results.

*5 Minutes Pasted*

The test results came back.. The pregnancy test came back.....


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