Telling Marcus

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Katie was downstairs cooking some breakfast as Alexa walks into the kitchen. "Hey, Good~morning Katie!" Katie reply's whilst frying an egg "hey, did you sleep okay?" Alexa mumbles "yeah it was okay, i know im going to have to tell Marcus today Katie." Katie says to Alexa "I know Alexa it will be hopefully fine, I can come with you if you'd like?" Alexa~ "No Katie thanks for the offer but I'd rather tell him alone.." "okay that's fine Alexa good luck!" Alexa walks upstairs and gets changed into some baggy clothes as she puts her makeup on, she gets a text message <Mum~Hello Alexa it's mom when can we meet up again I miss you~> Alexa sighs as she reply's with sadness <Me~Soon mom I promise I miss you to.~> Alexa places her iPhone into her bag and rushes downstairs. She shouts goodbye to Katie and rushes to the local coffee shop •Pop Tates Coffee Diner•. As soon as she walks into into the diner she sees Marcus staring and the door with a great big smile.

Alexa walks over to the table with an upset face Marcus- "hey princess what's up you look upset?" Alexa says nervously "uhm babe we need to talk about something but I'm
scared..." Marcus reply's "darling don't be scared what's the matter I'll help you?" Alexa places the positive pregnancy test in Marcus's hands and says very embarrassedly "I'm Pregnant..." Marcus sits there for a few seconds with his mouth wide open in shock. "Is this real Alexa?" Alexa mumbles "mhm." Marcus says proudly "This has never happened before to me.. Im so shocked, but I want you to know I will help you with whatever discussion you decide to make weather you would like to get rid of it or not." Alexa says "Thank you Marcus." Alexa places her head onto Marcus's shoulder, Marcus says "I love you baby. Let's go back to my house and watch some movies I'll order you favourite take out as well" Alexa and Marcus both get up and Alexa walks out while holding on to Marcus "Thank you Marcus I love you so much!"

Alexa arrives at Marcus house "Marcus where is you mum and dad?" "Oh they have gone on holiday from the next 4 months" Alexa says "oh okay cool." They both walk up to Marcus's bedroom, Alexa texts Katie <ME~It's all good Marcus is fine with it he's a little shocked but he's willing to help xxx~> Marcus could tell that Alexa was uncomfortable so he grabs one of his t-shirts "here princess wear this you don't have to keep your trousers on, I'll order food while you get into bed and pick a movie on Netflix?" Alexa says "Deal" Alexa was blushing like mad her face was bright red. Marcus finished ordering food he got into bed with Alexa he says "I love this movie princess I knew you'd pick a good one!" Alexa says "mhm" she lays her head on-top of Marcus chest and the cuddle for a while. Marcus did end up to cancel the food as Alexa fell asleep on him. Marcus kisses Alexa's fore -head, Marcus falls asleep with Alexa on top of him.

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to find out!

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