Wrong Time Home?

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As Alexa and Marcus were sleeping the next morning at 7:35 they woke up to a horrific shock...
   Marcus'a parents came home months early!!! They seen Alexa laid on Marcus with only a bra and thongs on. Marcus mum says "oh well there asleep.. We shall leave them" Marcus wakes up "mum...dad??? Why are you home so early!?" Alexa wakes up and sees Marcus's mum and dad. Alexa raps the cover around her as soon as Marcus says "she was sick on her clothes mum. But this is Alexa my girlfriend the one I told you guys about?" Marcus's mum says "oh how lovely such a pretty girl I'll go get you some spare clothes my dear" "Oh thank you Miss Davison that would be lovely thank you!" Marcus's mum and dad leave the room as soon as Marcus says "oh god. What a way to meet my mum" Marcus laughs she still likes you "haha". Marcus mum walks in and gives Alexa some of her old clothes "Thank you Miss Davison" "Honey call me Julie!" Alexa says politely "Okay thanks Julie!" Alexa gets changed into the clothes Julie gave her. As soon as that Julie comes back "Hey Alexa want me to wash them clothes for you what you had thrown up on" Alexa's heart sank because she knew that the pregnancy test was in the trousers "No! It's okay I'll take them home and wash them" Alexa says fastly as Marcus pulled an face until he released why. "Don't be silly darling I will wash them" Miss Davison picks up Alexa's clothes of the ground and a positive pregnancy test falls out.

Alexa stood there in shock whilst Marcus's mum picks up the pregnancy test Marcus says "Mum I can explain!" His mum reply's "go on?" Alexa buts in "It was a mistake we went to a party and it just happened

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Alexa stood there in shock whilst Marcus's mum picks up the pregnancy test Marcus says "Mum I can explain!" His mum reply's "go on?" Alexa buts in "It was a mistake we went to a party and it just happened... I'm really sorry Miss Davison" Miss Davison sits down next to Alexa on the bed "it's okay dear, Me and Marcus dad will help you! Do you know how far you are?" Alexa reply's "Thank you so much. And no I don't please can you not tell my parents yet... They will kill me!!" Miss Davison reply's "Of course not dear, I will have to go tell your father Marcus!" Miss Davison walks out of the room. Marcus interrupts "I did not expect that to go so well..." Alexa reply's "Yeah me to. But I'm gonna head home." Marcus-"Okay princess love you" Marcus kisses Alexa on the forehead. Alexa walks downstairs Bye Miss and Mr Davison, Alexa gets waved at by both parent of Marcus. She gets into the car and goes home back to Katie.


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