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"What's wrong" Matthew asked his voice shacky yet soothing and warm

"You, this was perfect ,I was friends with Johonson again I was happy then you showed up"

"I'm sorry Carla" his head hung in shame

"There's no need to be sorry it's not your fault you showed up"

"I mean I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for the note I'm sorry for leaving you and most off all I'm sorry I wasn't there for you"

"Shut up Matthew, Shut up you're not sorry you can't be "

"I am" he sat down too close for my liking

"You have 10 secconds" I spoke sternly

"That girl who you shared a room with almost killed me then she treated me with a knife"

"That's bullshit Matthew don't lie to me"

"Have I ever lied before to you" at this point he was in tears, he was being genuine

"I believe you i don't forgive you though, that will take time"

"I understand that I don't expect you too" I beamed my biggest smile at him

"So what are we watching ?" He asked.

"Nothing really you can pick" I said

"Let's watch American Horror Story"

"Fine" I sighed, typical

This was scary shit but I didn't want matt to like protect me so I was hiding behind my hands.

I felt matts eyes on me she shuffled closer towards me, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me up onto his lap.

For some reason I didn't object.

Then the door unlocked again and it was actually Jack

"Matt, Get Out She Doesn't want to see you !" Jack shouted at Matthew

"No it's fine he can stay" i said looking up they both turned there heads to face me.

"Jack, we can have our movie day tomorrow, if I can stay here again"

"Yeah okay, let's plan it out later" Jack said, I got off of matt and sat next to him with Jack on my other side.

We put on mean girls (my choice) I was snuggled up to Jack with my hand laced.

Jack got up to go to the loo

"Let me show you something?" Matthew asked

"Fine" I followed him up the stairs into the spare room then out onto a balcony.

"This view it's beautiful" I said walking out on to the balcony

"Just like you"

"That's too cliche" i laughted

I sat down of the floor shutting the door

"Oh my god why did you just shut the door" he sounded alarmed

"What why?"

"We're now locked out" and neither of us had phones

I lay down on the bed out there matt lay beside me he laced our fingers together and pulled me closer

He leaned it, I leaned it. Our lips connected I don't want to be involved with him again,it was magical thought it made me happy, maybe this wasn't so bad after all.

We stopped to breathe.

Just laying there with my head on his chest.

"Maybe this was fate that we met again, maybe it was chance, all I know is that I love you and I never stopped all of 10 years.."

Matthews words were kind they gave me butterflies maybe I could start again with him...

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