Part 6

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Flashback - 2012

"Campers! Who's ready for a fun few weeks!" The overenthusiastic camp counsellor, Marie yells into the crowd. 

Not me. That's for sure. My mom couldn't be bothered to take care of me this summer, so instead, I've been shipped off to summer camp, in Massachusetts. Out of all places, she couldn't even send me somewhere closer to home. I'm 12, and just about to go into 7th grade, and with none of my friends for the entire summer. Yippee!

I don't even know anyone here. There's a group of girls who look my age standing around in a group, but the last time I looked over to them I was given a death stare. Comforting. Across the other side of the courtyard are the boys, running around and yelling at each other. Wonderful.

"Alright campers, find a buddy, and line up together."


My eyes search the crowd, panic rising inside of me. I don't know anyone here, and everywhere I look, people seem to be surrounded by other people. People skip towards the counsellors arm in arm, lining up in two lines behind them. I look around frantically, to see only one person left by themselves. I make a beeline for her, and she meets my eye, her face set in a grimace.

"Hi, I'm Natalie, would you like to be partners?" I ask as kindly as I can, as this is really my only opportunity to get off on the right foot. She doesn't reply verbally, only shrugs slowly, before walking towards the long line. I quickly follow behind her, and take my place next to her at the back of the line. Seeing everyone paired up, Marie claps her hands, smiling broadly at us.

"Okay camper, now, remember who your buddy is, because you're going to be partnered up for the whole summer." Great, just great. "Now, if you could all scootch across the other side of the courtyard, you'll be introduced to the boys group you'll also be working with."

The what now? I was not told I would have to be partners with boys for the summer as well. Boys are... disgusting. Well, at least the ones at my school. All they do is fact, pick their noses, and make fun of the girls. And now I'm going to be stuck with 2 of them for the whole summer?

"Okay, so you and your buddy are going to pair up with another buddy pair of the other group. You'll spend the majority of camp with just your buddy, but for certain games and challenges you'll need the other buddy pair. Does everyone understand?" Marie asks, looking around at all the kids. Everyone nods, some more enthusiastically than others. Guess which side of the fence I'm on?

"Alright campers!" the boys counsellor, James, takes over, clasping his hands together as he speaks. "We'll put all your groups in a hat, and pull one pairing out from each, which will decide who your partners are. Does that seem fair?"

The counsellors don't bother waiting for a response, instead reaching for the precut pieces of paper. They set off down the lines, writing each kids name down off the ridiculous name badges we were given. Marie makes her way down to me and unknown girl, smiling kindly at us. I smile back as brightly as I can, although I don't feel at all cheery on the inside.

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