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8 years later

"Dadda! Dadda! Hat!" With a fistful of balloons in my hand, I step over my crawling son, placing the lonely party hat back on his head. He giggles softly, crawling quickly after me as I rush into the kitchen. Before getting there though, I step on about 3 dog toys and the have to hurdle over said sleeping dog.

"Alright, I just finished all these balloons, where would you like them beautiful?" I ask my wife, swooping down to kiss her cheek as she applies the final lot of icing to the second cake sitting in our kitchen. She dumps the plastic bag of icing into the sink, letting out a sigh as she turns towards me.

"Okay, so if you could put the 'happy birthday' ones around the table, and the green ones in the front window, that'd be great." Natalie says, peering into the roaring oven quickly before turning her attention back to me.

"I've just got to get Avalon up, and then I think everything's done. Thanks for getting the balloons sorted." She continues, wiping her palms against the front of her apron.

"It's the least I could do, compared to everything you've done this morning." I reply, lacing my spare arm around her back, drawing her into me. I'm only able to press a quick kiss to her lips before I'm cut off.

"Ewwww, stop kissing, it's gross." My eldest daughter enters the room, closely followed by my laughing mom.

"Oh Laurie, just you wait and see." My mom says, lifting Laurie into one of the tall bench seats.

"Wow Laurie, your hair looks very pretty." I announce, letting go of Natalie to walk around the kitchen. I reach my daughter, tugging on the soft lavender ribbon that's been weaved into her hair. She squeals softly, swatting me away from her.

"Grandma did it. I love it."

"Well, did you know that that." I motion towards her bow. "is my favorite color."

"I thought you liked grey. It's what you wear to work all the time." I laugh softly. I might need to buy myself a purple suit to wear in court soon.

"I like it because it's your moms favorite color." I turn back to face Natalie, just in time to catch her rolling her eyes.

"Casey. Balloons. Now. Please." Natalie demands, shooing me with her hands.

"Yes ma'am." I salute her, turning to walk down the hall. I don't get far before her voice bounces off the walls, pulling me back.

"Hey, have you seen Cam?"

"He was crawling on the floor a second ago. Check underneath the table, or the doggy door." I reply, hearing a soft reply.

"This kid took after you alright. Cheeky asshole."

If I were to sum up my family, I'd put it as organised chaos. Well, chaos we claim is organised. But really, I wouldn't have it any other way. Today is Natalie and I's twins first birthday, so it's safe to say the chaos has been turned up a notch.

I stifle a laugh, walking further down the hall until I reach the front room. I place the balloons in the window as instructed, just as a loud ding grabs my attention.

"Nat, someone's here!" I yell, crossing the hall to open the door.

"Casey!" Persephone and her husbands 6 year old adoptive twin girls, Cora and Daisy bound into the room, both of them wrapping their arms around my waist tightly. They're the kindest girls, and being best friends with Laurie, they're around a lot.

"Hi girls! Come on in! Laur's in the kitchen, she's been waiting to see you two all morning!" I say, watching as they practically fly down the hall in search of their friend. I turn back to the adults, bringing them both into tight hugs as they enter the house.

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