Part 15

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The bell above my head dings as I enter my writing sanctuary. Warm air invites me in as chatters from nearby patrons floats into my ears. I walk to the counter, ordering my usual tea blend before walking further into the shop and planting myself at my usual table. I place my bag on the floor before grabbing out my laptop, placing it on the table quietly. I open it up, plugging in my password quickly before flicking open my most used document, my book. 

I'm about a third of the way through my book, where the characters are getting to know each other better. I love writing about this stage of my characters relationship. Where everything is cute and awkward, and the readers are only just getting to know the characters they don't know they're about to fall in love with. When there are so many secrets, yet to be unearthed, leaving readers begging for more. 

I sit at my table, tapping my fingers along the keys for a minute before something comes into my head. A phrase, seemingly so perfect to start off a chapter flies onto the page, with more springing to my mind.

And then, I'm off. 

I'm writing like it's no ones business. My eyes only flick off my page momentarily to thank the waiter when my tea is delivered, my mind fully focused on the task at hand. 

My fingers fly over the keys, my mind churning out words faster than they ever have before. I don't know if it's because of some... recent inspiration, or that I'm just living in a land of pure imagination, but writers block has been oddly scarce over the past two weeks since my birthday. 

I take a sip of my tea as I take a break to stretch my fingers, wincing at its temperature. I rub my eyes quickly, before placing my glasses back on my nose, getting back to work.

"Wow, after all this time you can't even be bothered to look at me, babe?" A a deep, husky voice interrupts my focus. A familiar voice. A voice I'd like to forget. 


I don't answer the disgrace of a man in front of me as I save my work and close my laptop. I need to get out of here, and fast. Shit, I can't even escape to my car, as I walked here, like always.

 Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit....

"What, you're not going to even answer me? Good to see you didn't bother changing since you left." the man continues as I busy myself with clasping sections of my bag together. Maybe if I just run, he won't be able to catch me? Who am I kidding, I know this isn't to go down well. How did he even find me in the first place? It's not like I told him where I was going, I just left.

I stand from the table, leaving my tea to grow cold. I pick up my bag and shrug it onto my shoulder before heading towards the door. I smile meekly at the barista as I exit the door, the same bell dinging just the same as it did 20 minutes ago. I push open the door, my pace quickening as I rush out it. But alas, I can't seem to escape him. 

"Natalie, you can't run." he jeers, as he extends a hand, latching himself onto my elbow. I attempt to shrug him off, but he only grips me tighter.

"Get off of me." I say through my teeth as I pull harder on my arm. I'm trying not to show too much emotion, at risk of being called a wimp, but I'm struggling. I thought I'd be able to get rid of him once I left Chicago, but I guess that would never be the case. He grips my elbow harder, as his other arm moves to grab my other one. 

"Now Natalie, why don't you just come home like a good girl and then this will all stop." he says, shaking me by my elbows as he speaks. Well, looks like there's only one option left. 

"I SAID GET OFF OF ME!" I scream, bringing my knee up towards my body before aiming it right into his crotch. His grip loosens on me immediately, as he doubles over in pain. Good, he deserves some pain. 

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