Part 7

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"Hey, hey, hey, Case, wait up a second."

I turn my head around to see Christian running slowly behind me. I stop walking, instead waiting for him to catch up. He reaches me, and holds his hand out to shake. I accept it, and he pats me on the back softly before returning to walking.

"What's up Christian?" I ask, addressing his eagerness to catch up with me.

"Well, this might sound weird, but did you by any chance run into a Natalie last night.? he asks, his expression curious.

I smile to myself, thinking of everything that went down last night.


"Natalie! Nat! Hold on a second. What's your number?!" I yell in her direction. She mustn't be able to hear me, as she just keeps running through the long, winding corridor. People stare at me as I run after her, but it's not like I care. It's really her? I thought I'd never see her again, let alone at the same college as me.

I dart down the corridor, desperate to find her. But... she's nowhere to be seen. My eyes scan the building, falling on a flight of stairs leading to the second story. I fly up them in record speed, and then run down the second long corridor. But... she's still nowhere. Where could she have gone?

Defeated, I head back down the stairs, and out the front doors of the building. I decide to take the long way to my car, as it gives me more of a walk to clear my head.

My feet traipse along the concrete path, my mind flooding with questions. The biggest on being,




Cool raindrops fall onto my head, and I pull my hood up as I walk. I round bends upon bends in the direction of my car, but what is around the next corner surprises me.

Natalie is standing, no, dancing in the rain. She's screaming out laughter, her face spread into a bright smile. I hang back, simply just watching her. The way her body sways, although there's no music in sight. The way she splashes through puddles like a little kid makes my heart soar.

A girl races out of the dorm building Natalie must have come from, grabbing her by the arm.

"Come on Nat, you'll get too cold otherwise." The girl says, tugging her arm back towards the building. Natalie surprisingly obliges, but she lets out one more strangled cry before heading indoors.

"Mel, it's really him!"

End flashback~

"Uh yeah, I did, why?" I ask. What does Christian know?

"Well, that Natalie just so happens to be my girlfriends roommate, and she was acting... kind of psychotic after she came back from classes." he replies, biting into an apple he pulled out of... somewhere. Sometimes it's easier to just not ask.

"What do you mean, psychotic?" I ask, worry springing to the front of my mind.

"Like, she kept yelling 'It's really him!', and then she went out and started jumping in the rain." Christian raises an eyebrow, clearly confused at the situation that unfolded last night.

I laugh loudly, memories of past events flooding back to me.

"Yeah, that sounds like something Nat would do." I say, adjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder. Christian and I swing open the door of the arena, and begin to make our way down to the changerooms. Today's our first game of the season, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous. I mostly play in the wing, and I'm a little nervous for how I'll survive the game, given I've been out of form for a while now.

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