Part 33

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"Okay, I'm pulling into your street now, is your mom home to open the door or do I need to break in?" 

I laugh, shaking my head softly at her words. 

"You know, I'm not a statue. I can get up to get the door."

"Nope, not when you're using a walker meant exclusively for people over 75." Natalie replies, her joking laugh echoing around the living room. 

"Ugh, only if you insist. Mom left a spare key under the pot plant out the front, she said to keep it." The line goes quiet for a second as I hear the rumbling of an engine stop. 

"Wait, she wants me to keep a key to her house?"

"Yeah, I think it's her subtle way of telling you to come over more." I hear Natalie's soft laugh once again as her car door clicks closed. I hear her feet plod along the ground, the only sound left floating through the phone being her breathing. A deep rustling hits my ear next, before a less staticky, closer sounding jiggle of a lock floats through next. It takes all my self will to not just spring up from the couch and race towards her, but I know if I did she'd probably yell at me for getting up. It's been about a month since the accident, and although I can technically get around with the aid of a walker, the doctors still don't want me to put too much weight on my hips, something about helping it to heal. So, that leaves me to be babied by my mom and girlfriend, while taking my college classes online from the comfort of my mom's house. Glamorous, right?

The door clicks open, and I crane my head to look towards the doorway. Natalie's flushed face comes into view, her forehead hidden by her lilac beanie. 

"Oh, hey, sorry, I've gotta go. I just got to my boyfriend's place, he can't know about us." She jokes, taking the phone away from her ear.

"Oh really, what's he like?" I joke, dropping my phone beside me before pressing my fists into the couch. I attempt to lift myself from the comfortable couch cushions, but I don't get far before she reaches me, pushing me back down gently. 

"Stubborn." She replies, leaning across the back of the couch to plant her lips against mine. I bring a hand up to rest against her cheek, drawing her in closer. She obliges, biting my bottom lip teasingly as her hand moves to tangle in my messy hair. 

"Fuck, I've missed you." I mumble into our kiss, running my index finger along the curve of her jaw. She giggles, taking my bottom lip in hers once more before pulling away. She smiles at me, biting the lip which was just wrapped around mine before walking towards the kitchen. 

"Soup or mac and cheese?" she asks innocently, biting back a smile as she looks over at me.

"You're just gonna leave me hanging?" I asks, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yep. Which one will it be?" she continues, leaning against the kitchen island.

"Mac and Cheese please." I begrudgingly reply, folding my hands across the back of my head. I watch her closely as she bustles around the kitchen, reaching underneath a counter to grab 2 cups of Easy Mac. She dives into a nearby drawer, finding a measuring cup. She fills it with water, depositing a cup into each bowl before crossing to the microwave. She places the bowls in it, pressing numbers until the start button beeps.

She looks over at me grinning as I flick my fingers in a 'come here' gesture. She crosses the room quickly, while I stretch my arm over the back of the couch. She hurdles over the couch, sinking into my side. I pull the blanket that's laying across my lap over her body, watching a small smile spread across her face at the added warmth. She places a hand against my chest as my arm moves to cradle her waist.

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