Part 10

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Flashback - 2012

She's the most beautiful girl at camp, no questions asked. She has these clear glasses, that I don't think anyone could pull off but her. I love the way she smiles. Her lips turn up at the ends, and it makes her face look bright and happy. 

I instantly knew I wanted to be partners with her. I saw her, standing around by herself, and I felt really bad for her. I wanted to go up to her, but I felt like that may have been weird, just because I was supposed to be on the other side of the courtyard. 

"Hello, Casey, are you there?" Brett says from beside me, waving around his arms in front of my face. I've been caught staring again.

"Cut it out, I'm still here." I reply, pushing his arms away from in front of me.

"Hah. Barely. Just tell her how you feel, there's only like, a few days left of camp, and then she'll be gone." Brett says, biting down on his sandwich. I look back at Natalie from across the room, watching as she talks rapidly with our other group partner, Holly.

"What? Are you insane? I can't just go and tell her. That'd be weird, and she probably doesn't even like me." I reply, shaking my head as I continue to stare at her.

"Well, what's your plan then?" Brett asks from beside me, continue to eat his sandwich quickly.

"I don't know." I groan out, planting my head into my hands and rubbing my eyes slowly. I lift my head, my eyes instantly going to her again. I watch as she flicks her hair while laughing, before her eyes flit over to me. She smiles at me, and I feel my heart skip a beat. I somehow manage to smile back at her before she looks away, launching herself back into her conversation with Holly. I turn my attention back to Brett, to see him raising his eyebrows at me. I swat him on the back of the head, just before counsellor James claps his hands, getting everyone's attention.

"Alright campers, as you all know, this is your 3rd last night of camp. I know, I know, don't get too excited yet. So, for the next two nights, you guys will be camping out on the oval. Tonight, you'll learn to cook on a camp-stove with your group, so make sure you're ready and prepared. After you've all finished your lunch, you'll have the rest of the afternoon free to find your supplies and make sure you're prepared for the next two nights. Is that clear?" he yells across the dining hall. People beside me cheer and nod, while others groan and shake their heads. I look across the room, seeing Natalie's vibrant eyes looking back at me with a smile.

Bring on the camping.


A bubbling pot of past sits in front of me, it's spoon sitting comfortably in the palm of my hand. Natalie sits beside me, chopping vegetables with a knife that probably couldn't even chop butter. For the cooking task tonight, the counsellors made us pair up with someone from the other half of the group. Brett practically shoved me into Natalie's arms before I could even ask her, leaving him to partner with Holly.

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