Part 24

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Friday morning light streams in through the large, double windows, lighting up the kitchen as I work. I bustle around, opening and closing drawers and cupboard as I prepare breakfast for Casey and I. I haven't left Casey's side for the last 2 days since his accident, not that I mind. I've just been helping how around the house, which I probably the lest I could do considering how much he's helped me in the past few months.

The kettle dings from across the kitchen, signifying its boiled. I walk across to it, pouring its water into two mis-matched mugs. I place the kettle back into its base, just as I feel hands snake up my waist. I turn around to see a dishevelled looking Casey looking down at me, a tired smile on his face. I stand on my toes, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before running a hand over his cheek.

"What are you doing up so early? Aren't you tired?" I ask, my hand gliding through his messy hair.

"No, not really. I feel pretty good this morning, actually." he replies, tightening his arms around my waist.

"Still, you shouldn't tire yourself out too early in the morning." I say, turning back to the sizzling waffle maker, Casey's hands staying put on my waist. He leans down, laying his head against the side of my neck, kissing my inner shoulder softly.

"Really, I'm good. And anyway, you shouldn't have to do everything around here, as much as I appreciate it, you don't have to be my maid." his hands run along my waist underneath my shirt, causing goosebumps to rise up my body.

"Case, let me take care of you. You've done so much for me in the past few months, and you deserve to be pampered." I laugh softly, as Casey trails kisses up my neck. "Stop, that tickles." I giggle, wriggling out of his grasp as I move to grab some plates for our waffles. I return with the plates, watching as Casey heads to the fridge, pulling out a carton of milk as well as multiple toppings for our breakfast. He adds a drop of milk into our tea, as I fish the burning waffles out of the machine. We work in silence for the next minute or two, busying ourselves by adding the finishing touches to our breakfasts. We walk over to the kitchen island, both of us pulling out a bench seat before sinking into them.

We eat our food in comfortable silence, the only sounds being the clinking of cutlery or the clunking of mugs against the bench top. Casey breaks the silence first, coughing softly as he takes a sip of his tea.

"I know you'll probably just tell me to shut up, but I really just wanted to tell you this." he starts, grabbing my hand as I roll my eyes dramatically. "Just... thankyou, for everything these past few months. I've never really thanked you, out loud at least. I mean, before you came back into my life I was struggling, I felt hopeless, and useless, and like I had no meaning. I didn't really have any friends, the only people I talked to was my mom and my dog, and it just felt like everything in my life was going downhill. And then, you came along and changed everything. I started waking up in the morning happier, just thinking about when I would be able to talk to you next. I hadn't realized how much I missed having you in my life until we met again. With you in my life, everything just feels... better."

My eyes fill with tears at his words. In a way, it feels like we may have just saved each other without even knowing it. Casey reaches across, wiping tears out of my eyes as I laugh softly.

"No, I should be thanking you. After everyone I went through last year, you're one of the first people besides the girls that I could count on, and who would really listen to me. You believed me, even after my own mother didn't, and you helped me to believe in myself again. You've done more for me than you'll ever know Casey."

"I guess we just have each to thank, huh."

I sniffle another tear, watching as Casey rubs his own eyes. He extends a hand, wrapping it around my forearm, lightly tugging me towards him. I stand from my seat, wrapping my legs around his waist and leaning into his chest. His arms wrap around my waist as he presses a kiss to the top of my head.

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