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In the green hills of Qing Qiu, Bai Qian, a white nine-tail fox, kneeled before her Shifu and performed a reverent kowtow. The icy chill of Yan Hua cave hosted her master's lifeless body for seventy thousand years and she waited just as long for his return hoping to see that day arrive but fate remained cruel to her.

When Zhe Yan, an ancient phoenix and long time family friend, informed her that her Shifu's spirit was resting inside the body of the First Prince of the Western Sea in order to recover, she dropped everything and rushed there to assist in every way possible. Her Shifu was indeed waking up.

During her time in the Western Sea, she ran into her First Senior, Die Feng, whom she was forced to reveal her identity to because he thought she was Xuan Nu. A betrayer of Kunlun Mountain who she gifted her appearance to when they were younger.

"First Senior, I am Seventeenth." Bai Qian confessed.

"Seventeenth?" Die Feng, the Second Prince of the Western Sea, asked in confusion. "Why did you disguise yourself as a woman? No wonder I couldn't find you."

"I've always been a woman disguised as a man in order to study under Shifu." She informed feeling guilty for having fooled them all. Her senior brothers had no idea of her true identity but she guessed her Shifu knew the truth all along. A War God like himself wouldn't let a disguise veil his eyes.

"Seventeenth, I finally found you after seventy thousand years." Die Feng wrapped her in a warm embrace, that of an older doting brother.

"First Senior, I need you to do something for me." She pleaded urgently.

"What is it, Seventeenth?"

"I won't be here when Shifu wakes up. I need you to relay a message for me."

Die Feng's look of relief morphed into sincere surprise and concern. "Shifu is finally waking up. You know the first person he wants to see most is you. Seventeenth, what is so pressing that you can't be present?"

"A small matter I must see through. First Senior, please do this for me." She pleaded again.

"Tell me. I will do it for you." He agreed sensing her distress.

Bai Qian couldn't help the tears that fell onto her cheeks as she said, "Tell Shifu that I deeply regret not being there when he wakes up but he definitely has to wait for his little Seventeenth to return."

Even if Die Feng didn't know the details, always loyal and dependable, he agreed to deliver her message to Shifu in her absence.

Bai Qian worked quickly to remove the wilted peach blossom branches from its vase and replaced them with new ones she picked from Zhe Yan's grove earlier that morning. She adjusted her Shifu's white robe and knelt down again by his side taking his cold and lifeless hands in hers. How many times had she held them before while studying on Kunlun Mountain? How many times had he used them to comfort her? How could she possibly begin to weigh the amount of warmth and strength he gave her whenever she needed someone?

"Shifu, I have to leave for awhile." Her mournful voice sweetly echoed through the empty cave. "That old, hateful Monarch in the Nine Heavens is forcing me to marry his grandson. I'm afraid I've put it off for so long now that I've offended them."

"Shifu, you asked me to wait for your return and I'm too close to give up now. I'm afraid this tribulation the Heavenly Monarch has prepared for me won't be an easy one considering the situation." Bai Qian paused to wipe her tears with the back of her hand.

"I hope you won't be sad when you wake up and I'm not here, but this time it'll be you who has to wait for me." She gave a sad little chuckle. "Aren't the fates most cruel to us, Shifu?" Bai Qian paused for a moment to rue over the irony of it all.

"Do you know how much I've missed you and my Seniors over the years? It's been a lonely existence here without all of you compared to the chaos I created on Kunlun Mountain. Shifu, you definitely have to tell me how you put up with me for twenty thousand years without a complaint. Now that I'm older, I realized just how much grief I gave you. I promise to accompany you to make up for it."

"Xiao Wu." Her forth brother, Bai Zhen, called gently from behind her standing next to Zhe Yan. "Si Ming is waiting for you in the fox den with the tonic."

Bai Qian wiped her tears, gripped her Shifu's hand one last time and slipped a handkerchief into his palm knowing that the next time she saw him he would be awake. She bowed respectfully once more before.

"When you wake up without Seventeenth here, please take care of your health."

Then, she followed her forth brother and Zhe Yan back to the fox den with her shoulders squared steadfast in her decision.

Si Ming, the Star Lord, who was in charge of writing mortal fates stood waiting for Bai Qian in the common area of the fox den. Upon their entrance, he held out the imperial edict in his hands.

"All kneel."

They all followed the order fully aware of what was coming. Bai Zhen gave Zhe Yan a worried glance that he returned in kind.

"By order of the Heavenly Monarch, Bai Qian, Queen of Qing Qiu is hereby presented with a tribulation for her unwillingness to marry the Crown Prince. His Majesty remains magnanimous and is willing to forget your offense should you agree to leave immediately for the Nine Heavens and claim your position as the Crown Princess." Si Ming paused to let her reconsider and give her final answer in the matter.

"Xiao Wu." Bai Zhen spoke up hoping for one last chance of bending her ear. "The Crown Princess title is not a bad one. You should reconsider."

"That's right, Xiao Wu. You'll be future Empress one day." Zhe Yan reiterated.

Even Si Ming put aside the scroll to speak freely. "Queen of Qing Qiu, you are truly stubborn. Our Crown Prince is a talented young man with many outstanding qualities. For you to refuse like this without even meeting him once is a grave offense to the Heavens. I beg of you to-"

"Everyone can stop talking." Bai Qian interrupted firmly. "I've made my choice."

Si Ming tried one more time. "Fox Queen, this trial won't be easy surely you must know that. If you cannot pass this test, I'm afraid that not only the status of High Goddess won't be in your reach but also your life will be forfeit."

Bai Qian swore she would ascend to High Goddess no matter what she had to sacrifice of herself in the mortal realm to do it. She couldn't rest if she didn't see her Shifu alive and well once again.

"I'm willing."

"Xiao Wu!" Bai Zhen exclaimed.

Bai Qian whipped her head around with hard and unyielding eyes. "Si Ge, I have to do this. I've already waited all this time and I won't let it be in vain."

She turned back to Si Ming who had a tonic in hand that would send her soul to be reborn in the mortal realm. Bai Qian took the cup and in one gulp downed its contents without any regrets save for one.

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