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Mo Yuan knew Bai Qian's silence was an ailment of the mind, but to see her become a shadow of herself after destroying the nursery made him feel nothing short of helpless.

Even though the vacant look in her eyes vanished, Bai Qian remained devoid of everything else except the inclination to be alone. A year went by and she completely withdrew from her life on the mountains. Her Senior brothers kept out of her way afraid they would offend her and she did the same preferring to stay hidden away.

When the women, young and matured came calling on Mo Yuan in hopes that he changed his mind about an harem since...well, since his wife turned mute. Mo Yuan held out hope they would spark something in Bai Qian's jealous nature but it was as if she became blind too.

He wanted nothing more than to follow through on Zhe Yan's advise to let her sort it all on her own, but as another year drew to a close Mo Yuan's desperation grew with time. No one, not her parents, forth brother, or even Zhe Yan could pull her from the silence that now encapsulated her existence. So, Mo Yuan resorted to his last hope.

Meng Yao.

Mo Yuan flew her to the Midnight Forest and handed her over to a friend she seemed pleased to see if the light in her eyes indicated anything. He left her there in capable hands mulling over the fact that Meng Yao once helped her return from oblivion that he could do it again.

His hopes were dashed when Meng Yao returned her to Kunlun after two days with a shake of his head.

Out of options, Mo Yuan consulted with Zhe Yan on what to do, but all the Phoenix suggested was an amnesia potion or more time.

Desperate, Mo Yuan brewed the amnesia potion and sat Bai Qian down.

"Darling." He began. "I know the pain you feel and I know why it's difficult for you to speak, because once you do, you would have to acknowledge it really happened. If that's the case, then, why don't you take this amnesia potion and forget about..."

He couldn't finish that sentence, but he didn't need to as Bai Qian slammed her hands down on the table with such force that the liquid in the bowl sloshed over the sides. She leveled him with a reproachful look, a silent reprimand for even suggesting it in the first place before she ran out of the room.

One year turned into two as Mo Yuan heartbreakingly grew accustomed to his silent wife. If time was the solution, then he would patiently wait.


It was the night before the third anniversary when Mo Yuan startled awake to find himself alone in the bedchamber. It wasn't unusual for Bai Qian to leave the comforts of their room, but something unsettled him that particular night.

Maybe a warning from their mating bond, maybe intuition but Mo Yuan had never truly felt fear before when he found Bai Qian standing at the edge of the cliffs.

The full moon over Kunlun silhouetted her frail figure in a thin gown of black night billowing in the wind. She was barefoot and bereft of a cloak as if she couldn't feel the crisp winter. The pale skin of her feet caught the light of the moon as she stepped ever closer towards the edge.

Mo Yuan's chest seized at the realization. His heart skipped a beat, or two as time slowed to mere breaths.

How could this be the outspoken, stubborn woman he knew and love? Was she so broken that even he was not enough for her to live?

Those thoughts passed through his mind as he charged forward and caught her by the arm, swinging her around to face him with a myriad of emotions roiling through his heart. He held her by the arms painfully thinking what could've happened if he was a moment too late.

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