Chapter 9

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Emma gasped at the strength displayed by Draken and (Y/n). She knows that the taller male was good at fighting, he was the vice commander of Tokyo Manji Gang for some reason.

However, the one who caught the most attention was the black haired female, avoiding the punch elegantly as if she was dancing in the air, another member sneaked up behind and prepared to kick her on the head but she bent backwards instead.

The kick the aimed at the other's face as he held his face in pain, she smirked in delight, "What? Your face hurts?"

Tilting her head to the left as she hit the person behind her without looking back causing him to be knocked out immediately.

Draken also beat up the members from moebius, when he was hitted on the head suddenly when he get distracted beating them up.

"UGH!" He grunted as his head started to bleed furiously but he managed to knocked the enemy out.

(Y/n) turned to the side, eyes widened at the sight of Draken kneeling on the ground and the bleed that flows down from his head.

"DRAKEN!" Emma and (Y/n) yelled as the Goddess sprinted to his side, supporting his body as she helped him up.

"I'm fine.....(Y/n)-chan...." He stated out with a weak tone, struggling to keep his standing but his weak legs refused to do so.

Seeing that he has no strength to even walked, she then picked him up bridal style, carrying him in her arms as if he weighted as light as a feather.

She went towards where Emma was standing as she placed his body next to the startled blonde haired female.

"Emma, (Y/n)-chan....I can still fight."

(Y/n) sighed, shaking her head while Emma helped him sit up, her face full of concern and worry, "No you are not. Emma-chan please take of Draken okay?"

She stopped her movements, bonking her head mentally, "Oh right, I forgot I can heal him. No wonder Gil call me useless Goddess."

Starting to feel irritated as she thought of the King but quickly forget about him, focusing on healing Draken.

They watched (Y/n) extending her right hand to grasp Draken's cheek gently, a green light then appeared.

Draken leaned his face to the warm hand tiredly, feeling the pain disappearing in a few seconds.

"My wounds..." He muttered, touching his head to make sure it did really healed.

Emma gasped, the wounds on his head started to close up as well as the blood that flowed down to his face.

"(Y/n)-chan, how did you do that?!" Emma yelled loudly, making (Y/n) flinched by the loud voice.

"Let's talk about that later, okay Emma-chan?"
(Y/n) then stood up and pulled the taller male with her.

"(Y/n)-chan, thank you for saving me." He thanked her as she waved it off, "You are welcome, Draken."

"Draken and I are gonna continue kicking their ass."

She told Emma and pointed to the group of delinquents who kept coming nonstop, making her want to nuke them all.

But then if she does that, the earth will freaking be gone to dust too.

Squatting in front of Emma, she patted her head fondly with a soft smile, "Besides, Manna is here too, if anyone comes near you, they will just get shot and die on the spot."

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