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"and that wraps up for today, see you all on wednesday."

you sigh, closing your notebook and putting your things in your book bag, heading for your dorm.

"hey." the sound of mikey's voice makes you jump, his usual goofy grin filling his face.

"shit! mikey, how many times do i have to tell you to stop sneaking up on me?"

"stop being so fun to scare then!" he tosses an arm over your shoulder, his feet falling into step with you.

mikey had been one of your closest friends for a long time. you two went to grade school together, and ever since he defended you from some older kids picking on you, you'd stuck close to each other. your personalities were very opposite in terms of being extroverted and socializing. he was able to protect you from any drama or violence caused by toman, and you liked it that way. since draken was dating your other best friend (and she was mikey's sister), emma, you and him were good friends but he was the only other member of toman you knew personally.

"wanna do me a favor?"

"no, but you'll somehow get me to do it anyways."

"tutor one of my friends in chemistry?"

"which one?" you peer up him through your glasses, brow raised.


"hell no."

"why?! baji's nice!"

"the same baji that lit a car on fire because he was hungry?" mikey furrowed his eyebrows, regretting telling you that story.

"so, he's a little... sporadic. i wouldn't ask you if i thought you were gonna be in any trouble. and that happened years ago!"

you pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers, sighing heavily. while you'd never met any of the other members of toman, mikey had a way of stressing you the hell out with his stories and injuries. there'd been countless nights he came to your house to get his wounds dressed by you or crash when he couldn't make it home after a big fight. and, hearing about the wild shit his friends got into made you wonder how chaotic it would be to spend time with any of them.

"i'm not tutoring any of you delinquents."

"so you wouldn't tutor me if i asked?!" he dramatically clutched his chest, feigning hurt.

"no." you deadpan, making him drop to his knees and cry out.

"mikey! shut up, okay okay i'd tutor you!" you hiss, desperate for him to stop being so dramatic and drawing attention to the two of you. he popped up, dusting himself off and continuing to walk as if nothing happened, making you roll your eyes.

"pleeeease (y/n)? in 20 years you're the smartest person i've ever met, i don't know anyone else that could do it." he clasped his hands together, poking his lip out and giving you his best puppy dog eyes.

"christ, fine. but he's got one time to slip up or do something stupid, then i'm done."

"yaaaay! you're the best!"

"yea whatever, you owe me mochi for signing up for this shit." you tug him by the wrist to the convenience store on campus that carried your favorite mochi.

mikey walks you back to your dorm, leaving you to have your room to yourself. thankfully, you were lucky enough to get assigned a single dorm rather than having any roommates, which worked because you did not like the idea of sharing your space with someone 24/7. after showering and putting on comfortable clothes, you place your glasses on your nightstand and stare at your ceiling.

how the hell were you supposed to help keisuke baji with chemistry? what was he even majoring in that he needed to take the class?! you roll your eyes, pushing away thoughts of the toman members as you close your eyes for a nap.

tutor - k. bajiWhere stories live. Discover now