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you look up from your desk to the sound of banging on your door, sighing.

"(y/n)!" you hear mikey on the other side, making you roll your eyes.

"what is it you little shit?" you yank the door open, mikey almost falling into your room because of how hard he was banging and leaning on the door.

"come get food with us!"


"me, draken, and baji! you two can get introduced before you start studying."

"i'm in the middle of a shit ton of homework."

"draken's paying. and i already told them you'd be there." he smirks

"give me five minutes, come in." you sigh, closing the door behind him. you grab a hoodie and a pair of leggings and take them into your bathroom, closing the door. you weren't exactly concerned with impressing anyone but it probably wasn't the best idea to go out in your graduation class t-shirt and avatar the last airbender print pajama pants.

after quickly changing and fixing your hair, you follow mikey downstairs.

"this place has the best ramen, you'll love it."

"if you're wrong i'm gonna strangle you."

you two arrive at the restaurant, mikey walking over to one of the tables

"kenny, baji!" you sit next to mikey, across from draken and diagonal to who had to have been baji. the top half of his long hair was pulled away from his face in a bun, the rest hanging to his shoulders. his eyes were a striking hazel color, paired with his resting scowl he was a little intimidating to look at.

"baji, this is your future chemistry tutor, (l/n)."

"i told you i didn't want any help with that stupid ass class mikey." he growls, not looking in your direction

"your mom is gonna be pissed if she has to find out you're failing this class, you need to take all the help you can get." draken's words make his eyes slightly widen, sighing.


"nice to meet you too." you roll your eyes, taking a sip of your drink.

"whatever." baji grumbles, looking down at the menu.

"so nice to see you two getting along." mikey grinned

"shut up mikey." you and baji say at the same time, making him glance up at you.

when mikey had said he had someone to tutor him in chemistry, he wasn't expecting you to look... well, like that. even in something as simple as a hoodie and your (h/c) locks in a bun, he found himself glancing in your direction and taking in the different parts of your appearance. (e/c) eyes framed by your glasses and glowing skin. he peeked at your hands, seeing perfectly shaped nails without color on them. you looked extremely put together, and he could already tell you were very intelligent just by the way you spoke and carried yourself.

"so, (l/n), how's haru?"

of course she has a boyfriend
why do you care if she's single or not?"

"he's okay. his treatment is going well, i'm going to see him tomorrow morning."

"emma and i will come with you, i haven't seen him in awhile."

"i have class in the morning but tell him hi for me."

"i will, thank you guys." you smile softly, glancing up to see your server approaching your table with food.

everyone makes small talk between bites of food, you mostly listening and sometimes laughing at the boys' banter. somehow, mikey gets a smile out of baji, and you notice his fanged teeth in his wide grin.

he's not bad looking when he's not throwing a tantrum.

soon enough everyone's food bowls are empty and paid for, courtesy of draken.

"thanks for dinner kenny, i'm gonna head back and finish my homework."

"i told you to stop calling me that asshole. you want us to walk you back?"

"nah, i'll be alright. baji, meet me in the library tomorrow at 4:30, you can get my number from mikey or draken if you need it." you get nothing but a grumble in response, making you roll your eyes.

"bye bye!" mikey smiles and waves as you exit the restaurant

tutor - k. bajiWhere stories live. Discover now