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the day of baji's exam, you text him wishing him luck. he had been doing really well in you two's recent study sessions, and you were confident that he'd pass.

you two had also spent many nights together checking on haru, on top of quite a few more dates.

you grin at the thought as you walk to your campus' library, a few rental textbooks in your backpack to return.

as you wait at the counter for a librarian, a professor recognizes you.


"uh, yes sir?" he looks familiar, but you weren't in any of his classes this semester.

"you're tutoring baji right? shame he had his operation right after the exam, i was looking forward to informing him about his grade."

"yea i am, i knew he would- im sorry, his what?!" your eyes widen as you process his words.

"his operation is today, he went to the hospital straight from my class. i'm sorry, i thought he would've told you."

you throw the books on the counter, quickly grabbing your keys.

"t-thank you sir!" you sprint towards the parking lot, desperate to get to your car.


you hadn't heard anything from baji about a damn doctor's appointment, let alone any kind of surgery. was he alright? was something wrong with him the entire time?!

you speed to the hospital, throwing your car into gear as you find a parking space.

"i-i'm looking for keisuke baji please?" you brush your hair out of your eyes, trying to compose your appearance from rushing inside so quickly.

"room 563, fifth floor. the computer says his procedure isn't complete yet, he may not be in the room again yet."

"thank you!" you run into the elevator, pressing the button multiple times as the doors close painfully slow.

"cmon, cmon!"

you raise your phone to your ear as the elevator moves, hoping for an answer from chifuyu.


"chifuyu! what's goi-"

"i can't come to the phone right now, but leave a message and i'll get back to you as soon as i can, thanks!"

"fuck off chifufu." you groan as the doors open, making your way to the room.

you see baji sitting in a hospital bed, his long hair messily braided out of his eyes and a sleepy grin on his face as he talks to draken.


he looks towards the door, eyes lighting up at the sight of you.

"hey (y/n)."

you walk farther into the room, scanning him up and down for any signs of wound dressing or scarring.

"what hap-"

"knock knock!" a doctor enters the room, clipboard in hand. you settle next to draken, nibbling one of your nails nervously.

"the procedure was a success, everything went exactly as planned. you'll stay overnight for observation and signs of infection, but we should have you out of here tomorrow. as far as your donor, his procedure will be in the next day or two. i know you two are close, so i'm sure you'll hear about his operation when it's all done."

"thank you sir." baji bows

"any questions for me?" he shakes his head, and the doctor waves as he exits the room.

tutor - k. bajiWhere stories live. Discover now