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this chapter ended up being WAY longer than planned oops


"so then, the... conjugate base would be HCO3?"

"uh uh. HCO3 is the acid, you're trying to find the conjugate base." you shake your head, baji groaning in frustration.

the two of you were in him and chifuyu's dorm room, trying to cram in some extra studying before baji's upcoming chemistry final in a few days.

"this is so dumb."

"cmon, you just answered like 3 right. we're almost done."

he leaned his head back into the wall, closing his eyes in frustration.

"i'll play with your hair when you finish these questions." this comes out softer, making baji open one eye to peer at you.

"braid it too?"

"sure." you giggle watching how quickly he kicks back into gear, carefully reading over the questions.

since your first date, the two of you had been on many more and spent a lot more time together. you'd attended a few toman meetings and were able to put a face to the names you'd heard from mikey so many times.

"sup lovebirds?" chifuyu unlocked the door, waving at both of you.

"hey chifufu."

he narrows his eyes at you, grabbing his lighter off his desk.

"where're you off to?"

"meeting up with smiley and kazutora."

"tell banana hair hi from me!"

"are you ever going to call us by our actual names?" chifuyu's exasperation makes baji burst out into laughter, you flashing a shit eating grin.

"get that dumbass ready for his exam, i don't wanna hear him crying over his grades again."

"suno, i will throw you out that fucking window."

"bye now!" he scuttled out of the room

chifuyu grins, knowing baji was so much more infatuated with you than he'd ever let on.

hours go by, and you two finish up with all the chemistry questions you have for him for the night. he turns on an episode of fairytail, resting his head in your lap without a word. your hands work their way into his scalp, gently untangling before you begin to braid his hair.

he's almost asleep, when you frantically answering a phone call shocks him awake.

"right now? okay, okay. okay, i'll be there as soon as i can, thank you." you hang up and slip your phone into your pocket, rushing to get up.

"what's wrong?"

"the hospital just called me, there's an emergency with my brother."

"okay, let's go." your eyes widen, and he looks at you expectantly.

"o-okay." you nod, grabbing your belongings from his desk. he snatches his keys off his nightstand, pulling a jacket on his shoulders and grabbing one of his hoodies for you.

he wraps your hand in his, towing you to his motorcycle.

you wrap your arms around yourself as he starts up the bike, cursing yourself for wearing only a t shirt. without missing a beat, baji tosses the hoodie at you, making you gasp.

"you're always cold on the bike, put it on." you smile softly as you pull the fabric over your head, inhaling the pleasant scent.

the two of you make it to the hospital quickly, baji dropping you at the front.

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