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you look in the mirror, hoping that your outfit was fitting for baji's plan.

today, 6:03 pm

have fun on ur date !! :D
use protection i don't wanna be an uncle yet

you roll your eyes, slipping your phone in your pocket.

baji knocks on the door to your dorm, wiping his palms on his jeans.

"hi." he (not so) subtly looks you up and down, cheeks growing pink at the sight of you. not like you were wearing a ball gown, but it was different to see you outside of you usual uniform of hoodies and sweatpants for school.

"hey." you gulp, met with the realization of how good looking baji truly is. obviously that wasn't your concern during your tutorings, but now that you had a chance to admire him you were admittedly a little flustered.

you walk downstairs, somewhat awkward silence between the two of you.

your eyes widen as baji walks towards a motorcycle, not realizing he didn't mean in a car when he volunteered to drive.

"here." he hands you a helmet, chuckling at the look on your face.

"when you offered to drive, this is not what i imagined."

"don't be a pussy, it's not that scary."

he settles on the bike, you hesitantly following.

"you're gonna have to hold on."

"i am holding on." you nod towards your grip on some of the bars behind your seat, making him shake his head.

"unless you wanna fly off, you're gonna have to hold on to me." you cautiously wrap your arms around his waist. he places his hands on yours, making you tighten your grip a little.

the bike roars to life, making you instinctively pull yourself against him.

"ready?" you nod, and he takes off. you yelp, pressing your face into his back and screwing your eyes shut, the force of the motorcycle surprising you. he chuckles feeling you jolt against him, shaking his head as he merges onto the main road.

after a few minutes, you cautiously open your eyes, the city lights of tokyo flashing by you.

"wow..." you wished you could pull out your phone to take a picture for haru, remembering all the times he wished for a hospital room with a view.

you ride through the city, baji parking in a small cafe parking lot on the other side of town.

"are you okay?"


"you haven't let go and you're kinda shaking."

"shit, sorry." you quickly unlatch your arms from him, willing your body to hold still.

"it's normal for your first time on a bike." he smiles, watching you try to regain your collected composure.

"where are we?" you look at the building in front of you, unfamiliar with the area. the windows are tinted, making it difficult to see inside.

tutor - k. bajiWhere stories live. Discover now