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"he said what?!"

"not so loud mikey, jesus."

your professor for your morning lecture had cancelled that morning, so you were in mikey and draken's dorm with the two boys.

you had texted baji to wish him luck this morning, but his lack of a response led you to believe he was in the midst of the exam.

"i can't say i'm surprised. i've always thought baji would have a crush on (y/n) if they met."

"what the hell? since when are you a matchmaker draken?"

"it took you like 4 years to finally admit you like emma!" mikey chimed in, making draken chuck a pillow at him.

"well, if he does pull off a good grade on his exam, are you gonna keep up your end of the deal?"

"i mean, a deal is a deal."

"baji's great! he's kinda insane, but he's got a big heart." mikey touched his chin in thought.

baji sighed nervously, bouncing his knee up and down as he looked over the answers to his exam. after a final once-over, he clicked submit, holding his breath at the loading screen.

"seriously?!" he groaned, seeing 'score not available.' of course he had to wait who knows how long to see what his grade would be.

he sighed as he put his computer and notebook into his backpack, trudging to his next class. he fought the urge to text you, praying to get a result in before then.

he grins at a notification from you, glad he wasn't the only one who wanted to reach out.

(y/n) :)
today, 12:20 pm

i mean i knew yo ass was gonna take forever w that exam but
did u fall in ??

LMAO i hate u
haven't gotten the skor yet
if u want me to take u on a date so bad u can just tell me

huh ?!

why else would u go out of ur way to ask me wat my skor was

your spelling makes me want to vomit

anser me !!

oh my god
go win a spelling bee first

he grins, slipping his phone into his pocket as his next class begins.

about halfway through his last class of the day, his phone pings with a grade book notification, making him inhale sharply.

you hear a banging on your door as you dry your hair from your shower, making you roll your eyes.

"no mikey, i'm not buying you more dorayak- baji?!"

"hi." he smiles nervously, realizing how impulsively he had come to your dorm after his last class of the day.

"w-what's up, are you okay?"

"my test got graded, i uh, i wanted to see the grade with you." he rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact with you.

"come in, come in." you wave him inside, grabbing your glasses from your nightstand.

he's slightly flustered at the sight of you in a sports bra and sweatpants, face and hair fresh from the shower.

"well, let's see it!" you sit on your bed, gesturing for him to sit with you to see the grade. he gulps as he opens the grade book app, the loading screen moving painfully slow.


his jaw is slack, not believing the numbers in front of him.

"holy fuck."

"looks like you pulled it off einstein." you nudge his arm, unable to wipe a proud smile from your face.

"thank you, (y/n)." the genuine expression on his face is so odd to you, you're momentarily at a loss for words.

"i-it's no big deal, real-"

"and now, you've gotta hold up your end of the bargain!" he flashes his sharp teeth in a sly grin, making you roll your eyes.

"i am a woman of my word. so you tell me when and where to show up, and i'll be there." you smirk

his eyes widen, realizing taking you on a date meant he had to, you know, plan a date.


what am i gonna do now?


"congrats man!" chifuyu grinned as baji recounted the day, ending with him earning a date from you.

"yea, but there's a problem."

"how could there possibly be a problem?"

"what the hell am i gonna do for a date?"

"ask mitsuya. or takemichi, they're good with that corny shit."

"i don't want it to be corny, i want her to actually enjoy it." baji groans.

"well, what does she like?"

"she's likes..." he trails off, realizing you two had never really spoke about anything other than chemistry. obviously you had gotten more comfortable joking with him, and he had learned that haru was not your boyfriend, rather your brother, after cornering and interrogating mikey, but that was it. he didn't even know what you were majoring in.

"shit man, you've done like zero groundwork here."

"shut up suno! i'll think of something."

you look up from your calculus homework to see a message from baji, softly smiling as you read.

today, 11:38 pm

ab the date
how do u feel ab cats?

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