Chapter 18: All the Best

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Kim Namjoon's POV

The crisp white walls contrasted with the different shades of brown furniture, mainly the long wooden table with glass on the surface and the chairs, gave the meeting room a neat look. I sit stiff in one of the chairs beside the boss who is seated on the end of the table, head facing low and eyes on the paper that holds the terms and agreement. My hand holds the pen, fingers moving to move the small cylindrical object as if tapping on the surface of the table.

Sitting with me inside this meeting room are the executives and main producers. They are carefully watching me, waiting for the ball point of the pen to kiss the empty white surface of the paper above the line where my signature is needed to declare my inclusion as BigHit Entertainments' idol.

A week and five days since the question about my debut was given to me and I sit here with the contract before me, reading the terms and agreement before I officially start my preparation for debut, and debut in weeks or months time.

"The debuting trainee shall not be in any romantic relationship for two years after their debut," I read aloud and then looked up at Bang PD. "I have a girlfriend," I said.

"And?" He raised an eyebrow at me, eyes somewhat seeming judgemental of my words.

"This isn't applicable to me. A different rule is applied, right?" I asked, brows furrowed.

He smiled cockily or a smile to mock me for asking such a question and it is something that I've never seen from him no matter how close we are. "Three years ago, yes. But three years ago, the terms and rules had also changed for both trainees and debuting trainees." He answered nonchalantly but it sparked annoyance in me.

"I am not informed about any change with the terms," I pointed out.

His smile widened. "Because you're a producer not a trainee when that happened."

I exhaled and looked back at the paper. This is what Hoseok meant about that look, huh?

"Can I have more time to think before signing?" I placed the pen down and leaned my back against the chair.

"Sure. Let's make your decision next week. Afterall, this is only the first time that you have seen the contract. I'm sure this is hard for you."

The meeting ended but Bang PD and I remained in our seats. I'm staring at him firmly, admittedly audacious of me, but he seems to care less about my behavior. "Why had the terms changed? Was it because of me?" I asked, well-knowing that my past actions might've caused a big damage for him and the company, hence giving some trauma to them.

He nodded, sighing. "I don't want to spend the company's money and only put it into waste for someone who isn't capable of being at their best performance just because of romance. You can still decline, Namjoon, and no, I'm not compromising that term for you. It's unfair for the others who had made their own sacrifices by signing the contract."

I took a deep inhale, brows furrowing with the train of thoughts making its arrival.

He leaned his forearms on the table, fingers intertwined and palms flatly resting on the glass surface. His eyes soften apologetically and a smirk of sadness lingered on the corner of his lips. "I'm sorry, but I hope you understand where we are coming from, Namjoon. You're a promising debutant, and we believe you can be a great idol since the moment you auditioned and joined our family but we saw your downfall just because of love. We used to be loose about dating, but seeing your breakdown was a great disappointment for someone so promising."

I nodded, completely understanding the doubt that my stupidity from three years ago had given to them. It's very reasonable of them. I ended up a mess, unable to debut, and I destroyed the group that they had put much trust, money, and effort into fostering into a promising group of artists. I am to be blamed.

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