what the fuck

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hey, its nearly 2022 and i've finally decided to check this account.

let's just say that this book.. is definitely something?

i've gotten a few recent comments complimenting this story which is just confusing the shit out of me. either you guys have never read a book in your lives or you're young. really young, like an actual child. 💀 but thank you anyway.

i don't know whether i plan on just ditching this story forever or rewriting old chapters so they're at least a tiny bit understandable. possibly the second option but i might just forget about it.

also, funny story. i actually deleted this account 3 times and it never worked. i could always log back in, update the stories, whatever. ig my oneshots are just meant to stay on the internet forever, let's just hope my future boss won't find it or i'm screwed.

btw it's my birthday tomorrow, i'm turning 17!✌ wish me smth nice. or don't idc.

okay, that'll be it for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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