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*The first part of this story and the second part aren't linked at all but I think that they'll go together perfectly. Anyways, I hope you like it <3*

Unlike most boys his age, Albus Dumbledore loved to read books. So it wasn't unusual to see him sitting in the shade, by a huge oak tree with a book in his hands.
He spent most of his free time (if not with Gellert Grindelwald) reading books. This would usually annoy Gellert, since he preferred to talk with Albus, instead of watching him read.

-Can't you finish, already?- groaned Gellert one summer day, after watching Albus read for a whole hour.
-Yes, just wait a second.-he replied -I have to finish this page.
-Done!- he said. -Now, what did you want us to do?
-Let's go somewhere.- he answered. -Maybe.. to the muggle part of Godric's Hollow!
-Why do you want to go there?- Albus asked, confused. -I thought you hate muggles..
-Well, since we're trying to control them, we could at least see how they live.- he replied.
-You've got a point..
-Of course I have!- he exclaimed. -Now, let's go!
Gellert grabbed Albus's hand and disapparated.

They apparated in a small street.
-You know we could've just walked here?- said Albus.
-Yes, but it's easier to apparate. Now, come on, let's go.- Gellert replied, taking Albus by his hand.
Albus blushed but didn't say anything.
They walked in the street hand in hand and looked around watching all the muggles. Some of them had their own little shops where they sold fresh fruit and vegetables.
-I'm hungry. Let's get some food.- said Gellert.
-I don't have any muggle money..- Albus told him.
-Who said we're supposed to pay?- replied Gellert, laughing.
While they were walking by a small shop, Gellert picked up the biggest, ripest apples there were.
-Here you go.- he said, passing one to Albus.
-Thanks.- he said, smiling.
They started to walk away, laughing and talking to each other. They didn't realise the owner of the shop: an old woman, saw Gellert taking the apples.
-HEY, YOU!- she shouted at him -YER' GOTTA PAY FOR THE APPLES!
Gellert held Albus's hand tighter.
-Let's go..- he said, walking a bit faster.
Muggles started chasing after them.
-Come on!- shouted Gellert, pulling Albus behind him.
They ran down the road, as fast as they could. After a few minutes of running they turned right, into a small street.
-I..think we..can stop...for a second..- Gellert panted.
-Maybe..we lost them.- replied Albus, breathing heavily.
-Let's just apparate..out of here.- said Gellert.
They apparated to Albus's garden.
-We're finally safe!- said Albus.
-Haha, we were always safe! I wouldn't let those muggles hurt you.
-Aww..- Albus felt himself turning red.
-Anyways, I'm hungry so I guess I'll just eat this.- Gellert said, taking a bite out of his apple.
-Do you want to go to my room?- Albus asked.
-Mm-hm..- he nodded.
They walked up to his house laughing and talking about the situation that just happened. When they walked in they didn't realise Aberforth was standing right in front of them.
-So, you've decided to disappear for the whole day with your boyfriend, huh Albus?- Aberforth said, blocking out the way to the stairs.
-He's NOT my boyfriend!!- shouted Albus turning all red in the face.
Gellert just smiled.
-Bathilda said, she heard that two boys about 17, one with auburn hair, the other one blond decided to steal some apples from a muggle shop.
Albus and Gellert looked at each other.
-Sounds familiar, doesn't it?- Aberforth continued, looking at the apples Albus and Gellert were holding.
-Not really..- said Gellert grinning at him. -But I'm sure that if we find out we'll definitely tell you. Now, if you don't mind, we're trying to get through. Could you move?
Aberforth just stared at him with his mouth open.
When he didn't react Gellert pushed him out of the way.
-After you, Albus.- he said, smiling.
They started walking up the stairs when Aberforth shouted after them:
Gellert turned around.
-You've got a problem?- he asked, raising his eyebrows.
-Yes, I've got a bloody problem!! Albus!- he turned to look at him - You were supposed to help me with Ariana! I spent the whole day looking after her, and you? You go to a muggle village with him- he pointed at Gellert -and steal some food from a poor, old woman!
-Ab, it was only two apples, nothing that expen..-
-I don't care! You don't realise! He's using you, manipulating you!
-Excuse me?- asked Gellert -Me? Manipulating Albus?- he laughed -Surely you don't believe that, do you, Al?
-No, of course I don't!
-See?- he said, looking at Aberforth with a grin. -Now, could you please f**k off? We're trying to do something.
Aberforth didn't even respond. He walked out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

-Finally!- said Gellert. -What's wrong with him?
Albus didn't reply.
They sat down on his bed.
-Are you ok, Al?- Gellert asked putting his arm around him.
-Aberforth is right. I don't take care of Ariana at all..I should have helped him today..
-Ow, come on! That lazy git should also help you. Besides, you deserve a day off. You can help him tomorrow if you want to.
-I guess so..
He still didn't look happy so Gellert hugged him. This really surprised Albus and once again he felt himself blushing.
-Don't worry..- he said stroking Albus's head. -As long as you're with me, you'll be fine..- he whispered.
Albus snuggled into his chest. Soon, both of them fell asleep.
The next day Aberforth found them asleep, laying on Albus's bed, hugging each other. He decided not to disturb them and left them alone.

*And CONGRATS, you made it to the end of this story! I hope you survived and didn't die of cringe because I nearly did when I finished writing this. XD
Anyways I hope you liked it at least a teensy bit. And thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting. I appreciate it so much! <3
Have a great day!*

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