Chapter 4

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Get well soon my three princes, we miss you already 😭

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Get well soon my three princes, we miss you already 😭

Leave them corona or I will kill you.

Please pray for our three princes.



Previously :
I turned around and saw....


Y/n pov

I turned around and saw Adiba Unnie with our favorite Lamborghini.

(imagine that it is collage grounds and ignore that man)

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(imagine that it is collage grounds and ignore that man)

Y/n:" Unnie!!!"

With that y/n hugged her. And Adiba hugged her back.
Adiba : " Hi Y/n"
Y/n:" Unnie what are you doing here?"
Adiba:" Oh that! I had some free time so I came to pick u up and I have to talk to you. "
Y/n:" Oh! And what do you want to tal-"
(1 and 2)???:" Adiba Unnie!!!"
( 3 and 4) ???:" Adiba!!!"
We turned around and saw Black pink standing there with shocked and excited expression
Adiba:" Oh hey black pink. How are you?"
Black pink ( except y/n):" Great!!! "
Lisa" BTW what are you doing here? "
Adiba:" I came here to pick Y/n from college "
Black pink made an 'o' face
Jisoo:" How are king and queen??"
Adiba:" They are great "
Jennie:" I miss being in Utopia "
Rosè:" Everyone miss being in Utopia"
Adiba:" It's October right "
We all nodded
Adiba:" Then we are going to go to Utopia in 1 month"
Rosé:" Why? "
Adiba:" Did you already forgot winter ball"
Rose:" Oh sorry I forgot "
Everyone ( except Rose) facepalmed
Lisa:" What do we expect from her"
Rose gave Lisa a glare.
Jennie:" BTW what is this year's theme for the ball?"
Adiba:" Oh it's a masquerade ball so get ready with your masks"
Black pink and y/n:" Yay!!! "
And everyone started to laugh.
???:" Hey Y/n who is this? "
Y/n:" Hey Jimin this is my sister Adiba Unnie "

Jimin pov

I was walking out of the class with my hyungs, y/n already ran out of the class. I got to the locker and put my books back in . I went out of the school just to find black pink talking with a girl ,she was standing with a pink Lamborghini. I went to her with my hyungs behind me...
Jimin:" Hey Y/n who is this "
Y/n:" Hey jimin this is my sister Adiba Unnie"
Jimin:" Hi I am Jimin Park"
Adiba:" Adiba, Kim Adiba "
She said while putting her hand in front for a hand shake and I gladly accept it.
Jimin :" Guys introduce yourself "
Adiba: " No need I already know you"
BTS:" How?!?! "
Adiba:" We ( y/n and adiba ) have our ways"
She said smiling.

Namjoon Pov

We went out of the class and straight to our lockers ,I put my books back in the locker and we went out ,we saw black pink talking with a girl and Jimin asked her name. I admit she was beautiful. Suddenly my heart started beating fast. She told she knows all of us even we don't know her. she told her name was Adiba. Her smile was beautiful and I could see jin, yoongi and hoseok were also mesmerized by her beauty.

Adiba Pov

I could feel someone starring at me and I looked at the direction just to see hyung line starring at me. When I saw them they looked away. Weird but cute.I gave them a sweet smile. And they blushed.

Y/n Pov

Adiba:" Sister, I think we should get going."
Y/n:" OK, Bye guys "
Everyone (except y/n and adiba) : bye see you on Monday.
( It was Friday )

We sat in the car and Unnie started to drive.

Y/n:" So what do you want to talk about "
Adiba:" Mom and dad said we have to go back to Utopia tomorrow "
Y/n" WHAT?!?! Why? "

Can you guess the cause of there parent's sudden call .

Read more to find out

Hey stars hope you like it

Sorry for not updating regularly because of my stupid school and exams.

But I promise I will update weekly

Please pray for our three bangtan boys

Stay safe and protected stars

Always shine bright

Bye stars

Author nim


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