Chapter 16

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Previously - we suddenly heard the door bell ring.

Present -

Y/n Pov

Jackson:"I'll go get it"

Jackson oppa walked over to the front door and unlocked it. I couldn't see who it was but I could hear voices.

???:"Hey Jackson"

Jackson:"Oh hey BTS. Please come in"


I heard footsteps coming towards the living room and next thing I knew was someone screaming my name and then three pairs of strong arms hugging me.

Jungkook pov

We are in front of Y/n's mansion. We walked towards front door and rang the doorbell. I heard someone say 'I'll go get it' after a few seconds the front door opened revealing Jackson hyung.

BTS:"Hey Jackson"

Jackson:"Oh hey BTS. Please come in"


We walked towards the living room and I saw someone who I wanted to meet for so long.

Maknae Line:"Y/N!!!"

Me, Tae and Jimin hyung ran to her and hugged her.

Tae:"Y/n we missed you"

Y/n:"Hey guys I missed you too"

She hugged us back. After few seconds we pulled back.

Jin:"Hey Y/n. Welcome back"

Y/n:"Hi guys. Thanks it feels so good after being back."

Lisa:"Looks like someone missed Y/n more than us."

She teasingly said and looked in our direction and we looked away.

Yoongi:"Were is Adiba?"

Y/n:"U-unnie is in her room re-resting. Yeah resting"

Something seems off she never shutters. I just shrugged it off.

Hobi:"Can we go and meet her"

Suddenly we heard a voice from behind.

???:"Meet whom?"

We turned around and saw Adiba noona entering the living room. Now it was time for hyung line to hug her. And they did.

Namjoon:"Adiba we missed you"

Adiba:"Aww guys I missed you too but when did you all came?"

Jin:"Just now"

Adiba:"Ok. Do you guys wanna eat something cuz I was just going to make some dinner."

JK:"Can you make that banana milk again, please"

Tae:"And strawberry milkshake"

Y/n:"And Chocolate milkshake"

Adiba:"*giggle* sure why not. Anything else."

Hobi:"Do you have sprite"

Adiba:"Yep. Its in the fridge"

Jin and yoongi:"Can we help, please"

Adiba:"Sure why not"

Author Pov

After Adiba, Jin and Yoongi went to the kitchen Y/n and the others sat on the couch.

Y/n:"Guys wanna play games till they cook"

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