Chapter 28

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Hyun soo:"Oh. So let's make this match tougher."

Adiba Pov

What does he mean by make this match tougher? Then he pulled out something from his bag. Oh no!

I mind linked Y/n.

Adiba and Y/n:"The Orical gem?!"

Adiba:"How in the hell are we gonna handle it's power?!"

Y/n:"We have to do this unnie. For Bangtan, for our friends, for our parents-"

Adiba and Y/n:"For Utopia."

Adiba:"Ok Y/n let's go."

Hyun soo:"We are not gonna fight you."

Wait what? He raised his hand and Jinnie and Jimin came out of the cage. Then he said a spell that I didn't get. Then Jinnie and Jimin started coming towards us and started attacking us.

Y/n:"*gasp* MOCHI! WHAT THE HELL?!"



I can't hear our friends and family because of the barrier, but I can tell that they are trying to say something.

Hyun soo:"Don't waste your energy shouting. They can't hear you all."

Beom seok:"They are in our control now."

Y/n and Adiba:"Oh no!"

(Italics for mind link)

Y/n:"Now what should we do?!"

Adiba:"We can't fight them!"

Y/n:"What can we do so that they also get out of the spell and we don't have to hurt them?!"

Adiba:"I don't know- Y/N WATCH OUT!!!"

Thankfully Y/n was fast and dodged the attack which was sent by (controled) Jimin.

Y/n:"Hush. That was close. Thanks sis."

Adiba:"Welcome but we have to be careful or else it will not be good."


Adiba:"How about we try and get to the orical gem?"

Y/n:"Nice idea but how?"

Adiba:"I have a plan, it can be kinda risky but it should work."


Adiba:"You will become invisible and get to the gem. Till then I will distract Jinnie and Jimin."

Y/n:"No unnie, it's really risky. You can't handle both of them on your own!"

Adiba:"Please Y/n, we can try."

An attack from Jinnie this time, I dodged it.

Y/n:"No unnie you can't handle them. Did you forget about your injured waist?!"

Adiba:"I know that I am injured but trust me. Nothing will happen to me."

Y/n:"You promised that last time too!"

One more flying attack. Again we dodged it.

Adiba:"Yeah. But that was last time. Please Y/n, it's the only way we can save our loved ones."

Y/n:"Fine. But be safe."

Adiba:"You too sis."

Y/n got invisible and I started distracting our lovers.

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