Chapter 8

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Y/n pov

When we entered my sister's room. We saw her hugging hobi hyung.

Y/n:"Sis why are you hugging hoseok hyung?"

Adiba:"Oh that I was missing.. "

Y/n:"Beomgyu hyung. Sis you moved on. you know he is at a better place now "

Adiba:" You are right Y/n. Hobi hyung thanks for comforting me and I am glad I shared my story with you. You are the best. "

With that Adiba unnie pecked hobi hyung's right cheek.

Author pov

After Adiba pecked hoseok's cheek. Three already angry men were furious now. Hoseok put his right hand on his cheek and blushed.

Adiba:" Let's give you all a little mansion tour. "

All(exept Adiba):" Let's go "

They all went to have a little mansion tour.

They gave them tour of the first floor and are going downstairs.

Jin:" I can't wait to see the kitchen. You know that I Love cooking. "

Tae:" Jin hyung, I saw the kitchen it is beautiful. When you will see it I bet you will not let namjoon hyung inside it. "

Y/n:" Why"

Namjoon:" Cause I am the 'God of destruction' I break everything I touch"

Yoongi:" Last time he almost burned our kitchen"

Everyone started laughing except Namjoon.

Namjoon:" I told you that was an accident"

Adiba pov

After everyone were done laughing I saw black pink sitting on the couch in the living room.

Adiba:" Hey black pink "

Blackpink:" Hey everyone"

Lisa:" Where were you? We were waiting for you since ages"

Y/n:" Sorry we were finding everyone and now we are giving them a mansion tour. Wanna join us?"

Rosé:" Sure "

Y/n:"Let's go to the kitchen "

Jin:" I can't wait "

Adiba :" We are here"

BTS's jaw dropped when they saw our kitchen.

Jin:"I am surely not gonna let namjoon inside the kitchen"

Namjoon hyung made a pout and I pinched his left cheek.

Adiba:" Aww!! Joonie hyung you are so cute "

Namjoon pov

Wait did she just pinched my cheek and called me joonie hyung. Uff I am so happy. I know hoseok, yoongi and jin hyung are burning in jealousy.
Oh no I am blushing.

Jungkook:" Look Namjoon hyung is blushing. I think he has a cru- Oww Namjoon hyung leave my ear. "

Namjoon :" Come with me you little bunny"

I pinched his ear and took him outside I herd everyone's laughing. I took a glance at Adiba and saw her giggling. Her giggles are music to my ears.

Jungkook pov

When namjoon hyung was taking me out of the kitchen I took a glance at Y/n God she's beautiful. I can see Tae hyung and jimin hyung also looking at her with heart eyes. Oh God I have fallen so bad for Y/n. I secretly took a picture of her. Then namjoon hyung started to scold me for almost revealing his secret.

(Author: Looks like bts have some crushes.

BTS: Shut up author.

Author: Should I tell this to Y/n and Adiba.

Tae: No way author.

JK: What should we do of this author.

Readers:*Takes author by her ear ,tapes her mouth and ties hands and legs.* Now shut up.

BTS: Thanks Readers

Readers: Welcome)

Y/n pov

Y/n:" Jin hyung you are free to do anything in the kitchen "

Jin:" Thank you "

Adiba:" So our mansion tour came to an end. So now let's start the sleepover. "

Y/n:" So let's watch some movies "

Everyone (except y/n):" Sure "

Adiba and jin:" I will bring snacks "

Adiba and jin :"Huh!!! Hahahaha"

Everyone started to laugh at the duo.

Jisoo:" Let's go to the home theatre "

Jennie:" Let's go "

Tae:" Namjoon hyung, Jungkook Let's go to the home theatre "

Namjoon:" Coming "

With that Namjoon hyung and jungkook came inside. And Adiba unnie and jin hyung took some snacks and we left the kitchen.

When we arrived at theater. Adiba unnie put the snacks in 3 different trays. One of upper sofa and two for down sofa which was bigger than the other sofa.

Jimin:"Which movie should we watch"

Me and Adiba unnie looked at each other and smirked. Blackpink knows what was in our minds. And BTS were confused.

Rosé:" That smirk. Oh no"

Jisoo:" No way "

Jennie:" Yes "

Lisa:" Don't tell me "

Jin:" What are you talking about "

Hoseok:" You are scaring me "

Blackpink,Y/n and Adiba :"Death Bell!!!"

Jin,Hoseok and jimin:" Oh no. Not Death Bell"

Y/n:" If you are scared you can cuddle with me Jimin hyung. "

Adiba:" And you two can cuddle with me "

Jin, Jimin and hoseok:" Sure!!! "

Y/n :" Then Let's watch "

( Sitting arrangement)

( Front sofa)

Yoongi- hoseok- Adiba- jin- namjoon- tae - Y/n - jimin - kook.

(Back sofa)

Jennie- Rosé - Lisa - Jisoo

Then we started to watch movie and everytime there's a horror scene jimin will hug with me more.


Hey stars hope you like it.

Sorry I didn't update yesterday.

Bye stars stay safe and healthy

Author -nim


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