Chapter 27

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*40 minutes ago*

Hoseok Pov

I was standing with other BTS members talking to some people. Suddenly a guard came towards us, bowed to us and said...

Guard:"Your highnesses, someone is calling you seven alone in the garden."

Joon:"Who is calling us?"

Guard:"I don't know, they said that they have a business work with you all."

Joon:"Tell them that we are coming."

The guard nodded, bowed and left.

Jin:"Should we go?"

Hobi:"What's if something bad happens?"

Yoongi:"Nothing bad will happen. We have Y/n, Adiba and our powers to protect us."

Tae:"Yoongi hyung is right. Plus what can happen to us!"

JK:"So it's settled. Let's go and check."

We nodded and started walking towards the garden of course we know the path.

We reached there and saw no one there.

Jimin:"Was this some kind of prank?"

Suddenly a very deep voice came from back.

???:"Hello vampire princes."

But before we could turn around, a black smoke started spreading around us.

???:"Sleep tight princes."

Was the last thing I heard before passing out.


Y/n Pov

We turned around and saw two people but their faces were covered.

???:"Hello everyone, looks like we interrupted your little party."

Wait I know that voice! No it can't be him.

Adiba:"Who are you two?!"

???:"Sorry we didn't introduce ourselves."

They removed their hoods and everyone gasped.

Stray kids, Blackpink, Couple:"FELIX AND BOGUM!!!"

Sisters:"No it's not them!"

Jisoo:"What do you mean?"

Adiba:"Look into their eyes. They used to be pink."

Y/n:"But now their eyes are black. It means that they are possessed."

Felix:"You two are quite smart."

Y/n:"Who are you two?! Why did you possess Felix and bogum?! Where are our boyfriends?!"

As I said, fire started forming in my and adiba unnie's hands.

Felix:"Woah! Easy there princess. I am hyun soo."

Bogum:"And I am Beom seok."

Y/n:"Wait aren't you two the world famous wizard criminals who once tried to take over utopia but failed and were sent to the magic prison."

Adiba:"How in the hell did you two escape?! The magic prison has a barrier all around it!"

Hyun soo:"We have our own little ways princess."

Y/n:"What do you want?"

Beom seok:"Utopia and you two."

Adiba:"You will never get any of those two."

Hyun soo:"Don't make us do this the hard way."

Y/n:"No means no!"

Hyun soo:"You asked for it."

They raised their hands and two dragons came. They were carrying a big cage.

They landed and we finally saw what was in it.

Y/n and Adiba:"BTS!!!"

BTS(from inside the cage):"GIRLS!!!"

We tried to run towards them but the Hyun soo and Beom seok formed a barrier around four us that trapped us inside.


Hyun soo:"Good princesses don't curse. If you want them fight us. If you two won you will get them back and we will leave this two's bodies."

Adiba:"And if we lose?"

Beom seok:"Then you both will marry us and utopia will be ours."

BTS(inside the cage):"NO!!! DON'T AGREE WITH THEM!!!" 

Hyun soo:"SHUT UP!! Princess can think for themselves. Think wisely princess, time is ticking."

Y/n:"Fine but we have one condition. BTS and the others will be free if we lose."

Jimin:"No Y/n please don't do that!"

Adiba:"Sorry boys, we have to do this. Not only for you seven but also for the whole utopia."

Y/n and Adiba:"We will fight for our families."

Hyun soo and Beom seok:"Wise choice girls."

A light surrounded us and we both changed into our hybrid forms and started walking towards them.

We started shooting some light balls and some dark balls. No lie, they were also giving us a though competition.

Hyun soo:"Woaw. You are as powerful as I thought, Y/n. What else can we expect from a warrior princess?"

He said as he jumped backwards to dodge my attack.

Beom seok:"I expected that much power from you, Adiba."

Adiba:"You should expect much from us."

Y/n:"We are more capable than this."

Hyun soo:"Oh. So let's make this match tougher."

What is gonna happen next? Will the sisters win or will the wizards win? What will happen to BTS and the others?

Hey stars, sorry for the late update. My school started and I have to go offline, that's why I didn't update 😞 Hope you enjoyed. See you soon.

Always shine bright

Stay safe and healthy




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