Chapter 11

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Jin Pov

Y/n texted us that they are going out of Korea for some business reason. They said they will be out for 7 to 8 days. I was kinda sad that will not be able to see Adiba. Well I will be able to meet her in 7 or 8 days. I'm happy about that. Right now I am cooking thinking about the time I was watching that horror movie and cuddling with Adiba. Suddenly Yoongi came to me and said...

Yoongi:" Hyung!!! Our dads are on the video call. They are asking for all of us." (There are seven kings and queens of Vampire kingdom)

Jin:" OK, I am coming"

With that I slowed down the electric gas and covered the food. I went to the living room and greeted my father and uncles.

Jin's father:" Hello everybody"

Yoongi's father:" I hope you all are alright"

BTS:"We are good how are you all?"

Jimin's father:"We are good."

Hobi's father:" We have a news for you all"

Namjoon's father:"You all know about the winter ball right"

Jimin:" Yep, every year only kings and queens are invited to winter ball"

Tae's father:" Yep. Winter ball is only in 25 days."


JK's father:"So the news is"

Everyone's father:"You all are invited to winter ball this year"


Namjoon's father:" Yep you all are especially invited."

Jin's father:" They are going to make a special announcement too."

Yoongi's father:" It's a masquerade ball and you are getting your suits and masks from human world"

BTS:" Yayyy!!!!!"

Everyone's father:"Bye see you soon boys"


We are going to winter ball. I am hella excited. I need to choose the best suit I can. I can't wait.


Y/n's Pov

We were flying towards the castle. I saw that place.

Y/n:"Unnie let's go there. I will tell our parents."

Adiba unnie made a OK sign and I went down towards the limbo and knocked on its window. I was still on Emerald flying.

Jae min:"Yes darling"

Y/n:" Dad we are going on a little walk we will be back soon."

Jiwoo:"OK but be safe"

Y/n:"Sure mom and dad we will"

Without wasting any second I flew towards Adiba unnie and gave her a nod and we started to fly towards the garden.

When we reached there it was the same garden where me and my ex used to walk together.

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