Chapter 5

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The last day of school for third years, after our finals are completed, is when the Assignments are distributed. Everyone dresses up, buzzing with excitement for their new futures. I arrived at school late because I spent extra time curling my hair and picking out my skirt in the morning. It did not matter to me that the attendance clerk was giving me a dirty look, nothing could ruin my day. In the office's back room, I noticed the registrar organizing the envelopes containing our letters. The calligraphy was beautifully done in black ink and I couldn't help but strain to see if mine passed her hands. I grew more excited when I actually saw my name written across one of the envelopes. Before the office grump could begin to scold me for being even more late to my final day of classes, I left, satisfied with my discovery. It was only a matter of hours before I would be able to hold the envelope in my own hands.

During the gathering, I, along with everyone else around me, impatiently waited for the Assignments to be distributed. When they finally were, I felt uneasy at seeing my name in navy instead of the black ink of the morning. I tried to explain it off as a trick of the poor auditorium lighting, but that could not explain why the envelopes around me were all calligraphed with black ink. The difference was subtle, but it was there.

Maybe I saw it wrong in the office, I told myself over and over again in an effort to calm by steadily racing pulse. But that didn't explain why everyone else had their names in the black ink. Upon opening the envelope, the unease spread throughout my whole body. The word Steward was staring back at me, it had to be a mistake. When I tried to ask the registrar, she only told me there were no mistakes, every letter was checked twice before being sealed into its designated envelope. All seven of the United Envoy members had signed it, even, instead of only the representative of my Field.

I did not know how to explain my feelings, but the thought never occurred to me that I came across as the type of person for this Field. When word started to spread of my Assignment, jealousy and praise came with it. I put on my best face and played along, if only to not make myself into the fool I felt I was. The Assessments were proven to place people into the right Field for them, my own parents were proof. Who was I to question this? Maybe I didn't know myself as well as I thought.

But it wasn't the same envelope I had seen that morning.


He looks just as confused as I felt that day, though for me, it passed quickly since I was more concerned with other matters at the time.

"I know where we can find what you're looking for. I just need to remember where I put it..." Theodore pulls out some boxes from his closet and starts digging through them, excited, it seems, to have a helpful idea. I take the opportunity to finally brush my teeth with the toothbrush I have staring back at me from the floor. I am all too aware of how bad my breath must be.

Theodore disrupts me, my mouth full of minty foam, by shoving some type of pamphlet into my view. I leave the toothbrush in my mouth and take the paper, reading the heading, The Dossier of New England.

"We toured this during one of the units in fourth year. They store all the records of our region there, including Assessment files for every student. Documents of the old histories and from the Amelioration are there too, though some are only copies. There are different classification levels for the record keepers, most of which are filled by Educators, but Commerce provided the analytics behind it all. I'm glad I paid some attention to that trip."

It might be his eagerness rubbing off on me, but this has potential. Looking up at my reflection, I hesitate. "I am going to need a few more things before I can go," I respond after covering my mouth to spit and wiping the remaining foam from it with the back of my hand.

"We," he corrects. "In case you forgot, you're a self-proclaimed fugitive."

I eye him. He's teasing me like we used to do with each other in class. "In that case, it is time for me to undergo a make-over." Or maybe it's a make-under. "I will be needing instant self-tanner, hair stripper, and colored contacts." I mentally run through my list again before I remember the bleach white of my uniform's Keds. "And something to dye my shoes too." I stick my hand out and place it on Theodore's shoulder to make sure I have his attention. "I will figure out a way to pay you back. I promise."

He looks down at my hand, which suddenly feels like an invasion to his personal space. "You've certainly had a lot of time to think this over, haven't you?" He pauses, as if still considering. "Mission accepted, I'll run out later. In the meantime, we have some research to do."

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