Chapter 14

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"Theo. " I can feel the lingering tension. "Theo, just pull over."

"It's fine." I see the stress in his hands as they grip the steering wheel. Boys can be so stubborn sometimes, but I won't make the mistake of saying that out loud.

The rain only picks up and gets heavier every few seconds, turning into freezing rain and even worse visibility—must be a Nor'easter. I can barely hear the wipers over the rain on the windshield, so I'm relieved to see him turn on his signal to pull over. We've only made it another town over—I think this town is named after bread—where the houses are way too big to be for single families, similar to Mayor Monahan's neighborhood. I let out a sigh as we approach a stop, which comes not with his breaking, but with a quick jerk to avoid a... Is that a goat? He re-corrects straight into a telephone pole.

We both get out of the car to check the damage: a nice crescent dent in the bumper and hood. We seem to forget the rain for a fraction of a second. It feels like little pebbles falling from the sky. Maybe it's more than rain? The car that pulls up behind us distracts me. I swear it's the same one I saw after leaving The Dossier. Do they know what Theo stole? Have they been following us? This doesn't look good.

A burly guy gets out and walks towards us, his head down so I can't make out his face. Oh no. Please don't be here to arrest us.

"Do you need any assistance? I'm an officer," he calls over the rain, holding up what looks like a badge. Maybe we're in the clear and he's only trying to help. Maybe this is a different car and just a coincidence. My gut telling me to run is not reassuring.

He continues over as Theo tries to get my attention, but I'm momentarily distracted by the goat we almost hit chewing grass under a nearby tree. What is this town? I try to wipe some of the water out of my eyes and notice the coffee stain my sleeve. So much for those freckles.

"Should I call for a tow?" The officer asks, which makes me look up. I know that voice. That's no officer. I want to tell Theo, but I don't know how to tell him to run.

The officer smiles, not the smile I remember, but something more sinister. "Hello Emma. Or should I call you Daisy? You seem to be quite far from your Posting, Daisy."

Well, shit. I can't decide if I should book it or tell Theo to get in the car. Maybe both? Why can't I move?

"Emma? Is that...?" Theo asks me, clearly confused and concerned.

"I'll answer for you, Daisy." The officer moves to block Theo from the door. "You probably recognize me too, Kallin. I'm here to collect your little friend here, who seems to have gotten lost."

Of all the damn Confederates.

The officer turns, facing me now, and begins to move in my direction. He shoves Theo out of his way when Theo attempts to block him. Theo only stumbles, but regains his balance, lunging back at the officer.

I yell, "Don't, Theo! Keep going!" He'll understand. I begin to run towards the goat, in the opposite direction of my pursuer, who easily shoved off Theo. What are they feeding him?

I'm quickly outpaced and reluctantly tossed over Cameron's shoulder to be carried back towards the cars, but not without trying to fight back. It hurts my hand to punch his solid back, but I fight through the pain. I lift my head to see Theo hesitate before I signal one more time for him to go. He backs up the car and takes off, mouthing something I can't distinguish. I curse myself for not being good at lip reading.

I will find my way to The Collective. I'll be there soon, Theo.


Cameron Cavallaro and I met the summer before my Evaluations, when he came into the greenhouse my mom co-owns with a Commerce merchant-by-career. He was looking for a present for his mom's birthday and I was sitting at the register reading about Anne Sullivan. That day I was filling in while my mom took my sister to pick out a new bike, since she quickly outgrew her last one. Of course, I had seen Cameron at school, but we only acknowledged each other in passing through polite half-smiles, like most students did at school when we made awkward eye contact. He was a year ahead of me and of course I thought he was cute. He had recently been Assigned to Law, probably going into the Force or something considering his sturdy build and strong gaze. I never thought anything would happen between us.

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