Chapter 11

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We pull up to an industrial-looking building in the city. The roads were more fun than I would have thought, occasionally feeling like a roller coaster of-sorts. I'm still thinking about the roller coasters Charlie and I would ride as kids when Theo gets my attention. In the parking lot of The Dossier are several school busses and even more school kids. Uxbridge High School is painted on the busses.

"This could work. We can pretend to be students with them," Theo says, hopeful.

I don't argue and get out of the car with him. We begin to walk towards the students when I notice they all have a commonality that we lack.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news." What is with me and these expressions? "But they all have badges with their school IDs on them." A teacher calls out to remind the first years to behave themselves, which explains why they all look particularly young. I look at Theo, who seems a bit defeated. "If we try to assimilate into them, we will look like students in one of those old teen shows: twenty-somethings masquerading as fifteen-year-olds. I know I do not look that young anymore and you certainly do not either. Plus, we don't have their badges."

We walk back to the car to figure out a plan B. Theo looks like he's thinking hard before blurting out, "We're getting married."

I'm baffled, but can't deny my slight appeal at the thought. I can't let myself entertain the idea too much. "Look, just because we shared a bed, that does not mean I'm ready to tie the knot. I would like to wait until after at least the third date before we go there."

He grins. "No, I didn't mean that, in that way. I mean, we'll tell them we're engaged and looking for information. We can say we would like to know more about the origins of the Fields to honor our families at the ceremony or whatever. Adults are suckers for young love. How about that?"

He has a good idea, but I see a couple problems with this. "Theo, I don't have a Field like you do." I look him straight in the eyes, holding up my hand. "Or a ring."

"We'll tell them we're both in Commerce. I'll take any questions that may come from that. Whatever they show us will hopefully lead to something with information about all of the Fields. And we can wrap up your left hand too. Just tell them you had an accident at work or something. If they even ask."

Good thing I have experience with a shop that could cause injury. Those damn thorns. "Alright, if anyone asks, I had a run in with a rose bush at work." I take out my hair, pushing the front behind my ears, and remove the sweatshirt to allow Theo wrap up my other hand. "You do realize you're in charge of collecting evidence now due to my," I hold up both of my hands, "you know."

"Then you'll have to do more of the talking. When it's not about Commerce, of course." Sounds fair enough to me. "Time to turn up your charming self onto overdrive, Emma."


We check in for a tour, trying to keep a distance from the first years. I can feel them looking at my hands, making me wish I still had the hoody pockets to shove them into.

"Welcome students!" We turn our attention towards the voice yelling above the chatter. The crowd grows quiet. "My name is Joanne. I am the Director of Community Engagement. I would like to direct you to come with me to our auditorium for a presentation."

The students and teachers follow, leaving Theo and me alone with an older couple.

"You must be here for the tour then?" A young woman with a chic afro and a confident demeanor turns between us and the other couple. "My name is Marissa, I am a Junior Historian here at The Dossier of New England. Before we begin, I ask that there is no use of any cameras and I encourage questions." She pauses for a moment, allowing for a question. With no one speaking up, she continues, "Let's begin the tour then! Please follow me."

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